Jobs Hărți Mentale - Galeria publică

Explorați vasta noastră colecție publică de jobs hărți mentale create de utilizatorii Mindomo din întreaga lume. Aici, puteți găsi toate diagramele publice legate de jobs. Puteți vizualiza aceste exemple pentru a obține puțină inspirație. Unele diagrame vă oferă, de asemenea, dreptul de a le copia și edita. Această flexibilitate vă permite să folosiți aceste hărți mentale ca șabloane, economisind timp și oferindu-vă un punct de plecare solid pentru munca dvs. Puteți contribui la această galerie cu propriile diagrame, odată ce le faceți publice, și puteți fi o sursă de inspirație pentru alți utilizatori și să fiți inclus aici.

Globalization Positive and Negative Impacts
Tanraj Mand

Globalization Positive and Negative Impacts

după Tanraj Mand

Globalization Positive and Negative Impacts
PG - 12BT 626894 Chinguacousy SS

Globalization Positive and Negative Impacts

după PG - 12BT 626894 Chinguacousy SS

Jaime Ford


după Jaime Ford

Part Time Jobs for Students
Raven Ann Alejandrino

Part Time Jobs for Students

după Raven Ann Alejandrino

FF Tactics Job Tree
Anton Galang

FF Tactics Job Tree

după Anton Galang

Sharing and Collaboration
Marcus Thompson

Sharing and Collaboration

după Marcus Thompson

Career Options After Class 10th
Notes4you Notes4you

Career Options After Class 10th

după Notes4you Notes4you

Artificial Intelligence
vince nguyen

Artificial Intelligence

după vince nguyen

Plastic Bags
Reza Moazzam

Plastic Bags

după Reza Moazzam

The Internet in our daily life
Elias Amiri

The Internet in our daily life

după Elias Amiri

Jessica Puentes


după Jessica Puentes

Paola Torres


după Paola Torres

Alberta Oil Sands
Grace Huang

Alberta Oil Sands

după Grace Huang

2011 in pictures
Daniel Sima

2011 in pictures

după Daniel Sima

Mary ann shadd
Ayaan Raza - Springbrook PS (1445)

Mary ann shadd

după Ayaan Raza - Springbrook PS (1445)

MLS Learning Jacksonville Florida
MLS Learning, Inc.

MLS Learning Jacksonville Florida

după MLS Learning, Inc.

Tree organigram
Murali Chakkarabani

Tree organigram

după Murali Chakkarabani

The impact of technology on individuals, communities and democracies
Heath Gao [Student]

The impact of technology on individuals, communities and democracies

după Heath Gao [Student]

New Map
Drew Grimes

New Map

după Drew Grimes

Finding Volunteer, part-time and summer job opportunities using the inquiry model
Alkassas Rima

Finding Volunteer, part-time and summer job opportunities using the inquiry model

după Alkassas Rima

Impacts of Globalization
Fahad Shafiq - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Impacts of Globalization

după Fahad Shafiq - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Higher Education and the Job Market
Vanessa Lecoultre

Higher Education and the Job Market

după Vanessa Lecoultre

Virtuous Circles & Initiatives
Fete Le

Virtuous Circles & Initiatives

după Fete Le

Department of Agriculture
Charles Sheard

Department of Agriculture

după Charles Sheard

My wishes
Yair Eduardo Ruiz Puche

My wishes

după Yair Eduardo Ruiz Puche

Jon Thompson


după Jon Thompson

Kamii Williams 2nd Quarter Project
Jamison Hirsch

Kamii Williams 2nd Quarter Project

după Jamison Hirsch

Main Dashboard
Steve Terry

Main Dashboard

după Steve Terry

History Portfolio Mind Map
Heba Hanif - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

History Portfolio Mind Map

după Heba Hanif - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Monica's Biography
Monica Boomhower

Monica's Biography

după Monica Boomhower

Should schools start and finish later?ans

Should schools start and finish later?ans

după 4H29_WING YAN WAN

Push Factors
Zehra Fatima

Push Factors

după Zehra Fatima

Construction work
Leevi Manninen

Construction work

după Leevi Manninen

Futures Wheel Assignment
Travis Wiseley

Futures Wheel Assignment

după Travis Wiseley

Major Essay
Caleb Hemphill

Major Essay

după Caleb Hemphill

PC - Basic
Steve Terry

PC - Basic

după Steve Terry

Changi AirportTerminal 1(ii)
Beatrice Wong

Changi AirportTerminal 1(ii)

după Beatrice Wong

Factors that influence livabilitty
Felipe Lukac

Factors that influence livabilitty

după Felipe Lukac

audi canada
Navkaran grewal

audi canada

după Navkaran grewal

Why People Move From Place to Place
Farooqui Sumayya

Why People Move From Place to Place

după Farooqui Sumayya

US Government S17 - Fall2016
zac vialpando

US Government S17 - Fall2016

după zac vialpando

Voice Over Department

Voice Over Department


200 Town Websites Project
Nicholas GRobler

200 Town Websites Project

după Nicholas GRobler

Activity 06. Workshop
XimeniTa Quintero Ospina

Activity 06. Workshop

după XimeniTa Quintero Ospina

Vanessa's Time Hop
Vanessa Gonzales

Vanessa's Time Hop

după Vanessa Gonzales

cross-boarder merger
just vadim

cross-boarder merger

după just vadim

The world of business
Chelsey Angeles

The world of business

după Chelsey Angeles

How Canadas Population is changing and how it affects my future
Maha Shaal - Roberta Bondar PS (1516)

How Canadas Population is changing and how it affects my future

după Maha Shaal - Roberta Bondar PS (1516)

Importance of Education
Leynar Guerra

Importance of Education

după Leynar Guerra

Miss Vernon’s Me Map
Alyssa Vernon

Miss Vernon’s Me Map

după Alyssa Vernon

History Culmanting
Sam Brouwer

History Culmanting

după Sam Brouwer

Future Technologies
Karolina Buožiūtė

Future Technologies

după Karolina Buožiūtė

Roles of women
Breonna Giddens

Roles of women

după Breonna Giddens

Abigail Omeje


după Abigail Omeje

PC - Enterprise
Steve Terry

PC - Enterprise

după Steve Terry

Refugee camp Inglese
Davide Beltrame

Refugee camp Inglese

după Davide Beltrame

Englesh Contents 3 Eso
Sara Bueno

Englesh Contents 3 Eso

după Sara Bueno

Roman army
22-0024 2

Roman army

după 22-0024 2

Should schools start and finish later?

Should schools start and finish later?

după 4H11_HO YIN KO

Seaware to SAS Goneaway and Deceased
Lisa Abito

Seaware to SAS Goneaway and Deceased

după Lisa Abito

marketabel me assignment
Deshawn Johnson - David Suzuki SS (2662)

marketabel me assignment

după Deshawn Johnson - David Suzuki SS (2662)

A Tractor - Alpha
Stani Juul Henriksen

A Tractor - Alpha

după Stani Juul Henriksen

choosing Canada as home
Amer Oliver

choosing Canada as home

după Amer Oliver

Elena Patey


după Elena Patey

Khan Amna


după Khan Amna

My personal network
jimena bernardos

My personal network

după jimena bernardos

Tristan Cullihall


după Tristan Cullihall

dev. non. dev
elizabeth rivera

dev. non. dev

după elizabeth rivera

John-Michael Unit #2 Activity #5
Milinkovic John Michael

John-Michael Unit #2 Activity #5

după Milinkovic John Michael

Sample Mind Map
Micah Gladysz

Sample Mind Map

după Micah Gladysz

hashim syed


după hashim syed

Pros and Cons of Globalization
Ronik & Christina
Ronik Jagdev

Pros and Cons of Globalization Ronik & Christina

după Ronik Jagdev

scientific thinking
omar abdelwahed

scientific thinking

după omar abdelwahed

Impacts of Globalization
JR - 12ZZ 660070 Rick Hansen SS

Impacts of Globalization

după JR - 12ZZ 660070 Rick Hansen SS

Alyzza Raqueno


după Alyzza Raqueno

Renewable Energy Subsidies
Zack Shipley

Renewable Energy Subsidies

după Zack Shipley

Future Wheel
Emily Winchester

Future Wheel

după Emily Winchester

Business 1
Josie Johnson

Business 1

după Josie Johnson

Mission Potential Index
Gideon Singer

Mission Potential Index

după Gideon Singer

Recreational marijuana
Ada Solario

Recreational marijuana

după Ada Solario

Why come to canada
Andres Herrera Bautista

Why come to canada

după Andres Herrera Bautista

Lucía Soriano Lozano
Lucia Soriano Lozano

Lucía Soriano Lozano

după Lucia Soriano Lozano

Canadian History 1960-1990
AG - 10JD 1012430 T L Kennedy SS

Canadian History 1960-1990

după AG - 10JD 1012430 T L Kennedy SS

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

după YOFRED L.

ICS March, 22

ICS March, 22


Why Do Businesses Exist?
Shirley Jiang 
March 1, 2023
shirley jiang

Why Do Businesses Exist? Shirley Jiang March 1, 2023

după shirley jiang

Future Jobs
Cem Demircan

Future Jobs

după Cem Demircan

SP - 12CP 680309 Chinguacousy SS


după SP - 12CP 680309 Chinguacousy SS

Learning Opportunities
Rohan Patel

Learning Opportunities

după Rohan Patel

developing vs developed countries
Jasmine Vargas

developing vs developed countries

după Jasmine Vargas

Anastasia Andriova


după Anastasia Andriova

Scotts me map
Scott Perry

Scotts me map

după Scott Perry

Robert casey


după Robert casey

New York City Immigration
Martika Church

New York City Immigration

după Martika Church

Positives & Negatives
SP - 12CP 680309 Chinguacousy SS

Positives & Negatives

după SP - 12CP 680309 Chinguacousy SS

Learning Opportunities in Community
Osei Samuel

Learning Opportunities in Community

după Osei Samuel

Issues on
Victoria Chernobay

Issues on urban sprawl

după Victoria Chernobay

Samantha e


după Samantha e

Eq Is An Underrated Sport
Alexis Orr

Eq Is An Underrated Sport

după Alexis Orr

Kieran's Life Map
Kieran Trimble

Kieran's Life Map

după Kieran Trimble