Categorii: Tot - incentives - engagement - visibility - attention

realizată de Jorge Armando Hernandez Cervantes 5 ani în urmă


Clasroom Management

Effective classroom management is essential for fostering an environment conducive to learning. It involves a range of strategies that help teachers minimize disruptive behaviors while encouraging positive actions that enhance educational outcomes.

Clasroom Management

Clasroom Management

Which are the main elements of classroom managements?

Do it again
Is used when students do not perform a basic task correctly, and the teacher asks them to do it again the correct way.
Positive group correction
Is a quick, affirming verbal reminder that¨ lets a group of students know what they should be doing.
Nonverbal Intervention
Is when teachers establish eye contact or make gestures that let students know they are off-task or misbehaving.
Is the act of publicly recognizing and praising students who have done something good, such as answering a difficult question or helping a peer.
Seat signals
Technique in which students use nonverbal signals while seated to indicate that they need something such as a new pencil, a restroom break, or help.
Tight transitions
A technique in which teachers establish¨ transition routines that students learn and can execute quickly and repeatedly.
Do now
A brief written activity that students are given as soon as they arrive in the classroom.
Entry Routine
A technique in which teachers establish a consistent routine that begins¨ as soon as students enter the classroom.

Why is it so important?

It is everything that teachers may do to¨ facilitate or improve student learning.
When executed effectively, teachers minimize the behaviours that impede learning for both individual students and group of students. While maximising¨ the behaviors that facilitate or enhance learning.

How to manage a class?

The kinds of learning experiences that teachers design to engage students interest, passions, and intellectual curiosity.
The type of texts, equipment, and other learning resources that teachers use.
The quality of work that teachers expect students to produce. The way that teachers expect students to behave toward other students. The agreements that teachers make with students.
Well-lit classroom filled with intellectual stimulating learning materials. A welcoming.
A positive attitude. Happy facial expressions. Encouraging statements. Respectful and fair treatment of students.

What is classroom management?

Refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class.

Which are some tips for managing a class?

Establish consequences for misbehaving.
Once students learn there will be consequences for misbehaviour, they usually come around.

Follow through with consequences for misbehaviour. Show students that you are serious and they will take you seriously.

Tell students that there will be consequences for misbehaviour.

Determine what consequences will be effective with your students.

Keep an eye on your students.
Class goes so much better when you can see your students. Position your so that most, if not all of the class is visible.
Give incentives to Do their best on assignments.
Its a strategy to elicit better performance on an undergraded assignment. In most cases, students will work for peer approval by doing the assignment.
Let students choose their seats.
At the beginning, let students sit where they want for a few days, doing this, they have ¨ownership¨ in those seats and tend to behave well in order to avoid being moved.
Focus on the disruptive students.
If students are not paying attention or busy doing other things, get them focus by using nonverbal signals of disapproval.
Take charge of your class.
Get everyone's attention before beginning class. The lesson wont be started, the lecture wont begin, and nothing will be written until everyone is in his or her seat paying attention.