Categorii: Tot - metas - imagen - autoestima - rechazo

realizată de ORFA PINTO CARDONA 4 ani în urmă



La clave para alcanzar la riqueza y el éxito radica en varios aspectos esenciales del desarrollo personal. Primero, es fundamental superar el rechazo y aprender a manejar los "no" que se presentan en el camino, lo cual fortalece la resiliencia.



The part of speech is a category to which a word is assigned according to its syntactic functions. In English the main parts of speech are noun, pronoun, adjective, determiner, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.

Dar siempre más de lo que espera recibir.

A conjunction is a word like 'if' 'but' or 'and' which is used to connect sentences or clauses together.

Dejar de pensar que siempre debemos recibir.
Es preciso dar, dar sin descanso

Subordinating conjunctions are conjunctions that are used at the beginning of subordinate clauses. Some examples of these conjunctions are: although, after, before, because, how, if, once, since, so that, until, unless, when etc.

Although it was raining, I went out.
El arte de vivir consiste en dar

Coordinating conjunctions always connect phrases, words, and clauses. They are: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

This stew is savory and delicious.

Superar la vanidad

A preposition is one of the most exciting parts of grammar. A preposition is used to describe the location of something in relation to something else.

Recordar que siempre se recoge lo que se ha sembrado. Distanciarse de la mezquindad.

When a preposition consists of more than one word, it is called double preposition.

into, within, upto etc.
Trabaje de acuerdo con las metas dinámicas, activas, estimulantes, que le ayuden a hacer lo que desea sin vivir de lo que digan y tengan los demás.

Compound preposition consists of two or more words.

on behalf of, according to, in front of, from across, etc.
Aprenda a juzgarse a sí mismo en relación con sus propias metas

When a preposition consists of one word it is called single or simple preposition.

in, at, on, to for, of, from, up, after, over, under, with, etc.

Superar la presión financiera

An interjection is used to express emotion in a sentence.

Think of other interjections!

Saldar todas las deudas
Regalar a quien lo necesite 10%, porque estas del lado del que puede dar y no del que recibe.
Se debe tener lo necesario y no mal gastar

Superar el rechazo

An adverb is used to describe a verb, but it can also describe an adjective or another adverb.

Adverbs normally help paint a fuller picture by describing how something happens.

Modificar el pensamiento
Just, Afterward, Soon, Currently
Adquirir una alta autoestima
Always, usually, Never
Superar un no las veces que sea posible
Carefully, Slowly

Superar las frustraciones

A numeral is a word or phrase that describes a numerical quantity.

Some theories of grammar use the word 'numeral' to refer to cardinal numbers that act as a determiner to specify the quantity of a noun, for example the 'two' in 'two hats'.

No olvide que en realidad, todo es una pequeñez
No dejarse abrumar por pequeñeces
One, two..
Convertir el estrés en oportunidades
First, second..


An article is a word used to modify a noun, which is a person, place, object, or idea. Technically, an article is an adjective, which is any word that modifies a noun.

Es una manera de hablarte positivamente. Es una forma de contemplarte y de reconocer tus actuaciones adecuadas.

It refers directly to a specific noun or groups of nouns.

The breakfast on my plate.


Creer que se es una persona valiosa con muchas virtudes y defectos por mejorar

Mejorando la auto imagen

A pronoun is a word that can be used in place of a noun, typically after the noun itself has already been stated.

Descubre y destaca las cosas que te gustan de ti. Considérate afortunado de lo mucho o poco que tienes.

Reciprocal pronouns are used for actions or feelings that are reciprocated. The reciprocal pronouns are each other and one another.

Each other, one another


An adjective is a word that's used to describe a specific noun and to provide more detail to the listener.

Debemos sentirnos orgullosos de lo que somos y de lo que tenemos.

Expresses a comparison between two entities or groups of entities in quality or degree.

He is taller than she is.

Salvando el auto-concepto

A noun is defined as a person, place, thing or idea. Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter. Common nouns, which are general words, such as 'cars,' are not capitalized.

Trata de ser más flexible, tanto con otros como contigo: Aprende a soportar, a perdonar y a entender tu rigidez como un defecto, no como una virtud.

Proper nouns are the names of specific people or places. They should always begin with a capital letter.

Trata de ser más flexible, tanto con otros como contigo
Mary, Paris

Hacia un buen concepto

A verb is an action word or 'doing' word that signifies movement in some way.

Ten el valor de equivocarte, sin pensar que se es inútil.

A verb with its own meaning: a verb that is not an auxiliary verb.

Create sentences

They have it.