Categorii: Tot - reciclaje - respiratoria - ambiente - contaminación

realizată de Matias Amilcar 3 ani în urmă


¿como los problemas ambientales afectan nuestra salud respiratoria?

La contaminación ambiental tiene un impacto negativo en nuestra salud respiratoria, ya que reduce la calidad del aire y aumenta la prevalencia de enfermedades respiratorias. La presencia de gases tóxicos y la escasez de oxígeno puro debilitan nuestras defensas y nos hacen más susceptibles a enfermarnos.

¿como los problemas ambientales afectan nuestra salud respiratoria?

¿como los problemas ambientales afectan nuestra salud respiratoria?

Conflict is present everywhere in the world around us. We experience conflict on a daily basis, and it can be minor or major.

Conflict in a story is a struggle between opposing forces. Characters must act to confront those forces and there is where conflict is born. If there is nothing to overcome, there is no story. Conflict in a story creates and drives the plot forward.

¿Cómo podemos cuidar el ambiente y cuidarnos nosotros?

This situation results from a protagonist working against what has been foretold for that person. While this conflict was more prevalent in stories where gods could control fate, such as in ancient Greek dramas, there are still examples of this type of conflict in more contemporary literature.

para cuidarnos nosotro podemos hacer distitas actividades fisicas para aumentar nuestra salud.

Since in real life we can't say that such examples of man versus supernatural, there are some superstitions that can influence a person's life.

Give examples of these superstitions.

hay dsitintas maneras de cuidar el medio ambinete como reciclar no votar vasura a la calle etc

Give examples of man versus fate conflict in a literary work.

¿esto afecta nuestra capacidad pulmonar?

A more contemporary type of conflict, this situation results from humans involved in a struggle with man-made machines. This is an external conflict.

tambine realizando actividades fisicas nnostros podemos ayudar a nuetra selud respiratoria

As this conflict is more science fiction based, in real life we can't find such examples.

However, as technology became a big part of our lives there are some situations that man made machines affects our lives.

Find such examples.

al dañar el ambiente le aire puro es escaso lo cual ocasiona que se mas frecuente tener enfermedades respiratorias

Give examples of man versus machine conflict in a literary work.

¿como podemos ayudar a que nuestra capacidad pulmonar y nuestra salu d respiratoria sea mejor?

In this type of conflict, a character is tormented by natural forces such as storms or animals. This is also an external conflict.

al hacer ejercicios de cualquier tipo podemos aumentar nuestra capacidad pulmonar y ayudar a nuestra salud respiratoria

Give examples of man versus nature conflict in the real world.

nosotros podemos ayudar a nuestra salud respiratoria abrigándonos en el frio comer comida caliente cuidarse etc.

Give examples of man versus nature conflict in a literary work.

la contaminacion ambiental

A situation in which two characters have opposing desires or interests. The typical scenario is a conflict between the protagonist and antagonist. This is an external conflict.

también nuestras defensa bajan al no haber oxigeno puro

Give examples of man versus man conflict in the real world.

es mas facil enfermarnos por los gases tóxicos que crea el ser humano

Give examples of man versus man conflict in a literary work.