Categorii: Tot - vocabulary - grammar - acceptance - disability

realizată de Batia Tucker 10 ani în urmă



The task involves a comprehensive exploration of themes such as self-belief, societal acceptance of disabilities, and effective communication. Students are prompted to use new vocabulary and their own words to create sentences from different perspectives, including those of individuals with disabilities and their families.



PPP presesntation

Unit 2- Just Ordinary People

HW - Edmodo Quiz

Grammar Focus

“if you expect nothing, you get nothing...”

Father and far will a father go (run) to bring happiness to his son's life?

After we watch the clip and write down the 2 most important things for you.

Introduction- Your family dilema


Your parents have decided that they want to adopt another child.

They have started looking a while back and now they have narrowed down the options.

They decided to tell you about it because they new changes to the family will have an impact on you.

One of the main reasons is that all the children have some form of disability.

Let's look at the options they are talking about, as they want you to be involved in making the final choice.

P. 31 - What do these people have in common?

Practice in book p. 31
Types of disability

In this unit we are going to learn about disabled people.

At the end of the unit you will have a performance task to complete involving an interview with a disabled person.

What types of disability do you know?

Which one is the hardest?

Grammar - Gerund / Infinitive


Brook Ellison Story

This is story about Brook who became quadriplegic at the age of 11

Quadriplegic is someone who is paralised in all four extension - i.e. arms and legs.

Language focus - do yuu know another word beginning with quad?

Today we are going to use a graphic organiser tool to help us learn more about this type of disability and learn a good strategy at the same time.

Write 3 facts about being quadriplegic
In Class Practice - P. 36
Type of Text

What type of information do you expect to find in a movie review?





writing task

Unit 2


Use the new vocabulary items and your own words to write the following :

Part 1: On your own:

1. Three sentences that Martha might say .

2. Three sentences that Tamar might say .

3. Three sentences that Brooke might say .

4. Three sentences that Brooke's mother might say .

5. Society should be more accepting of disabled people. How ?

( Give three practical ideas ) .

Part 2: In pairs:

6. Imagine you could interview Brooke or Tamar .

Write an interview with a partner .

Don't forget to start with a nice greeting and finish it with a sentence that expresses hope and honour to show how you appreciate Tamar / Brooke .

Comparing the 2 stories

Time line

Taking Tamar

check yourself


LOT's questions:

Who are the people here? What do we know about Tamar?

What happened to Tamar when she was born? At school? As an adult?

Did she have friends? Was she automatically accepted by other children?

HOT’s prompts:

What are types of obstacles she (and other disabled people) has to overcome? (Elicit: attitude, environment, system).

How did she overcome them?

What was the hardest thing she had to deal with?

What were the attitudes towards her?

(Elicit stakeholders: other children, society, her mother)

How did she feel at ..... age?

The mother (Martha) – what is the most important characteristic she has / giving Tamar?

Elicit… support, fulfil potential

No matter how disabled you are, or difficult a situation is, as long as you have support it's not as bad….

Can you give other examples of a supportive environment in a difficult situation?

language reflects attitudes

I have confidence in myself.

I have doubt in my ability.

From my experience I know I can succeed.

Every day is difficult for me.

Giving up is not an option.

I find it hard to deal with difficulties.

If society changes its attittude towards the disabled, then we will eventually feel like ordinary people.

I want people to see me, and not pre-judge me all the time.

In class task

We are going to learn about 2 disabled people. The first one is Tamar who we are going to focus on today, and the second one is Brooke. We are going to find out about Tamar's story from a newspaper article.....

What is the structure of an interview? What other name can we use for this text type?

HW - What would you want to ask Tamar?
Pair work - give handout


cope with

attitude towards

against all odds

hardest thing to deal with

overcome obstacles

fulfil potential

supportive environment

Facts and Opinions

Tell us about it-Unit 1

Present Perfect

Use - to talk about complete actions in the past which still have an effect on the present


Possitive - has / have + v3

Negative - has not (hasn't) / have not (haven't) + v3

Yes / no question - has / have + subject + v3 ...?

Wh question wh word _ haas / have + subject + v3.

Who do you think says what?

Use Venn Diagram

We have 3 options:

Disabled person?

Fully abled person?


Being Cool

studying on line
linoit - Advantages and disadvantahes
Stative Verbs

Every story has a conflict - a struggle between two opposing forces. The conflict may be between two people or it may be between a person and some other force, regardless, every story revolves around conflict and it's important for you to understand the various kinds of conflict.

Internal Conflict is a struggle that occurs within the main character. This struggle happens within the character's own mind.

External Conflict is a struggle that the main character has with another character, with society, or with a natural force.

Which type of conflict can you see in the story?

Man vs Man

Man vs Self

Man vs Society

Man vs Nature

Man vs Destiny

Man vs Technology

Elements of the plot
Character Development

Lets read the story.

Listen and write down the important words that you feel describe the two main characters.

Look at the list of words, which ones are facts and which ones are your own view or a feeling?

Characterisation - The means by which writers present and reveal character. Although techniques of characterization are complex, writers typically reveal characters through their speech, dress, manner, and actions. Readers come to understand the character Miss Emily in Faulkner's story "A Rose for Emily" through what she says, how she lives, and what she does.

What method of characterization is used to describe Chloe?

Effects on others




Private thoughts


What method of characterization is used to describe Cindy?

Effects on others




Private thoughts


What problems does one of the characters have, and how does he or she solve it?


Writing Task: Pick one of the main characters. Think of a shape that fits that person's traits. Draw the shape. Then describe the character inside the shape.

Character Guide

Sometimes I feel that the whole world is against me.

When you have an artistic nature, is usually shows in everything you do.

You have to make a choice - are you having this one or this one?

Some people like to complain all the time, but complaining doesn't change anything.

And other people like to control everybody.

I hate it when I can hear a tap drip, especially when I am in bed and I need to get up.

Even though she is my best friend I think she was wrong to do it.

I found all my shoes from last year, except for the blak pair.

She looked horrible when she was sick.

Unfortunately, high intelligence and good behaviour don't always go together.

It doesn't matter how old you are, what matters is how you feel.

Usually only girls use make up, but some boys do also.

I don't like it when someone is being pushy, I like to decide what to do in my own time.

I did't realise that they were a brother and a sister.

Most people like to relax on the weekend and do very little.

My brother had an accident and ruined his bike.

Luckily, his wounds were only superficial, nothing serious, really.

But you should have seen his clothes, they were all completely torn.

Look at the picture and think about the words we have learned. Why do you think the girl in the picture feels alone?

CB - p. 17 #c

split into pairs and match A and B

CB - p. 18

Look at the can and can't do things the teenagers speak about and write an excuse using present perfect form

compete the excercise on the link bellow


Split into pairs

1. Complete part C - match sthe correct resonse to each of the problems

2. Choose of the situations and role play it using present perfect. Record the conversation.

3. Llisten to the recording and write it down (transcribe it). Correct the mistakes and send the task to