Categorii: Tot - feudalism - justice - war - parliament

realizată de KYLE FRANCIS AGUILAR 9 ani în urmă


Decline of Feudalism

The decline of feudalism in Europe was marked by significant political changes, notably under King Henry II of England, who reformed the judicial system to ensure fair trials, eliminating the brutal practices of trial by ordeal and combat.

Decline of Feudalism

The Decline of Feudalism Europe

Hundred Years' War

When they notice that Joan died they where energized then they went to fight for their country and the avenge of Joan. After the 100 years of fighting the French had won.
When they had won they thought some other countries might attack so another new weapon was introduced. It was the cannon and the cannon balls so they used it to protect their country from other countries.
The English had an advantage against the French king since the English had trained archers. But the French where using knights with armor and horses.
A woman wanted to join the army so they let her so they can laugh at her as a joke. But then she led the army to victory. When the English was keeping on eye of her they thought she was a witch so they captured her and burned her to death.
The war started when the French king died without a sucessor the English king thought he can claim his land. So that is how the war started and a new weapon that was introduced.
When the war had started the new kind of weapon that was introduced was the longbow and the crossbow. The new weapons that where introduced could pierce through the knights armour.

The Plague

The black death can be cured if they had medical attention on the sickness. If they did not have any kind of medical attention for 3 to 7 days the person would be gone.
How the fleas got the sickness was because it had bacteria inside of it. So the fleas lived in infected rats but when they had reached the towns of Europe the outbreak had started.
The symptoms of the black plague where that their skin would turn purple, they feel very hot but they shiver, and they finally vomit out blood with extreme pain eventually death
Since the plague had reached Europe the peasants had gain power because the peasants who did not die from the black death where valuable for the king. The way that the plague had reached Europe was because of the Silk Road or trading.
The Plague traveled through rats and fleas that followed the traders from the silk road to the towns. When people got the black death they would die 3 to 7 days.
The Plague was spread through China,India,Near East, and Europe. The plague almost wiped out the whole population of Europe.

Political Changes

King Edward Decided that England needed to include more people in government. He created the Model Parliament.
The Model Parliament was a governing body that included commoners in government.This allowed the common people to have a voice in making decisions for the country.
The Magna Carta was a contract that the nobles forced King John to sign because he was abusing the power. The Magna Carta took the power away from the king and empowered nobles and commoners.
The Magna Carta introduced the idea that the monarch was not above the law. It also introduced the idea of the "Habeas Corpus" which said that n accused person cannot be jailed without being charge with a crime.
King Henry II of England missed that people should have a fair trial by a judge or jury. This eliminated Trial by ORDEAL and the trial by Combat!
Because of this change less innocent people were wrongly punished. This provided more rights to the common man