realizată de Montoya Tobón Montoya Tobón 4 ani în urmă
DNA Generalities
DNA is a fundamental molecule found in all living organisms, playing a crucial role in genetic information storage and transmission. In prokaryotic cells, DNA typically exists as a single, double-stranded circular molecule located in a region known as the nucleoid.
In sexually reproducing organisms, in addition to mitosis, a type of cell division called meiosis also occurs. In the latter, the four daughter cells are derived from stem cells and each daughter cell has half the genetic content of the cell from which they are derived.
In prokaryotes: Binary fission
what is
Binary fission is a form of asexual reproduction that occurs in archaea and bacteria. It consists of DNA replication, followed by cytokinesis (cytokinesis), resulting in two daughter cells. Bacterial DNA has a high mutation rate.
Eukaryotic DNA
organisms have many DNA molecules per cell
Prokaryotic DNA
In prokaryotic cells, DNA is a single molecule, usually a double-stranded (closed) circular molecule, located in a cell segment called a nucleoside.
Eukaryotic cell
organisms formed by cells with true nuclei
Prokaryotic cell
The domain that includes microorganisms made up of prokaryotic cells, that is, cells that have free DNA in the cytoplasm, since there is no cell nucleus.
DNA Chemical Structure
DNA has a central part with a sugar and a phosphate, to which molecules called bases bind.
These bases can be of 4 types:
Basic structures
Cell membrane
What is
The basic structure and functional units of all known organisms.