Categorii: Tot - feedback - delivery - lms - instructor

realizată de juan cabezas 4 ani în urmă



Online courses must meet several criteria to ensure they provide students with the best possible learning experience. A consistent instructor presence is crucial for motivating and guiding students, preventing them from feeling isolated.




E-learning tools in the future
These will be

The distant future: Automatic learning

Personalized Learning

Tailoring of pedagogy, curriculum and learning environments to meet the needs and aspirations of individual learners.


Use of game thinking and game mechanics.


Design of microlearning activities through micro steps.

These activities can be incorporated into a learner's daily routines.

e-learning will be more viable and affordable
Social media are also transforming education constantly.
Internet connection speeds are increasing.


Learn anywhere and at any time

Corporate e-learning professionals can learn from academic e-learning initiatives and vice versa.

Educational institutes

Learn things with global scope.

knowledge transfer and not training.

Corporate environment

Knowledge transfer.

E-learning can be translated to lower costs to deliver training.

Involving learners as participants.

Specific knowledge and skills.

Characteristics of corporate learning

Return on investment.

Training vs. Education.

Benefits organization.




The characteristics of training
Good use of resources.
Tools to tackle current issues, develop life-long skills.
New employee learns to perform day-to-day functions.
Development of new skills or skill sets that will be used.
The characteristics of learning
Equipment for unexpected and unspecific situations.
Future challenges.
Learn something specific.
Increasing skills and abilities to achieve goals.
Absorb and retain information.

Content authoring tool

It includes HTML, Flash, and various types of e-learning authoring tools.”
Create multimedia.
It is a software package.

Types of learning management systems

SaaS (Software as a Service)
It may be more cost effective in the long run.
It will have a higher initial cost as you will have to pay for the software and installation.
The system is running on someone else's server.
Requires more maintenance and support.
Commercial LMS
Good documentation, product and support. Besides being more free and stable.

Synchronous e-learning vs asynchronous e-learning

Both strategies have their own pros and cons
Divided into

Lack of motivation.

Perfect option for users who enjoy taking their time with each lesson plan.

Communications delivered via web, email and messages posted on community forums.

Can be carried out even when the student or teacher is offline.


It has a specific time slot in order to attend a teaching session.

It enables students to avoid feelings of isolation.

Any learning tool that is in real-time.

Chat and videoconferencing.



Help with content creation

Templates to attract students.

Solid test environments.

Being user-friendly.


Reports in excel that allow graphical representation of data.

Course pathways

Flexible work flow to set students on certain ‘learning pathways’.


A LMS may provide you with a chat room or a forum that you and your students can use.

Social Networking

Share your content or news items via Twitter or Facebook etc.

Virtual Classroom

Whiteboard systems for virtual classroom sessions and help you to schedule sessions too.


Online registration and payment through credit card or PayPal.


Language options, notification settings and other important features can be changed.

Easy GUI

The environment more aesthetically pleasing.


LMS hook up to a database such as PostgreSQL, MySQL or SQL Server.

LMS are built on various platformsnly PHP, .Net or Java.

LMS is the backbone of e-learning.

LMS allows to manage different aspects of a course.

Collaboration between student and teacher.

Computer system specifically developed to administer online courses.

Tests and quizzes a vital part of e-learning

Suprovide an array of benefits for both the learner and the instructorbtopic.
Keeps learners engaged.


It allows them to know what they did wrong immediately.
It is also environmentally friendly!
Allows instructor to see trends and act upon them to improve the curriculum.
Less work to be done.
Instant grading and feedback.
Randomizing question and answer order to makestudents memorize the correct option.
It also makes testing a hassle-free task as corrections are automated with a LMS.

Elements of Online Courses

A number of criteria must be met to ensure that students receive the benefits.
Online tests and quizzes

The instructor is able to track the progress of students and assess the effectiveness of the curriculum.

Tests and quizzes are still an essential part of the educational process.

Tested delivery methods

Serves as a model of excellence for the e-learning industry.

Compatibility is always a delicate matter.

Content that is up to par.

System must be well designed and efficient.

Most important thing to keep a student satisfied is the material.

A streamlined and well-designed LMS

Everyday tasks include the distribution of new material and sending, receiving and grading assignments.

Easy to navigate, is well-organized and contains high quality material.

Consistent instructor presence

Be tracked and given proper feedback which is very important throughout the learning process.

Encourage, inspire and ensure students don’t feel like they have embarked.

Open source LMS

Solid community foundation online with forums or email lists for user support.
Can grow quickly if they have enough interest and input.

SCORM & TinCan

We should expect more from it in the future
It includes simplicity and extra security measures
Lifts many restrictions of older specifications.
TinCan is an open source API
SCORM is widely adopted by huge organizations
Content can be created one time and used in many different systems
Allow a certain resource to be viewed and function properly
Shareable Content Object Reference Model