Categorii: Tot - planning - funding - financial - staffing

realizată de John Hayter 2 ani în urmă


East Cosham House ASC Planning

A series of tasks and updates related to East Cosham House have been outlined, covering various logistical, staffing, and communication needs. The plan includes purchasing additional laundry sets and obtaining a P-Card for funding these purchases.

East Cosham House
ASC Planning

East Cosham House ASC Planning

Moving Planning

Additional Suitcases - LM to Primark for urgent bag purchase
Possessions - Inventory to be developed for each resident
Transport - DY to liaise with Emergency Planning
Liaise with CC!
Once Neil has names, we can ID transport requirements
Taxi or private ambulance
5 suitcases
Ask Family
Medication to 'follow' residents
Pam has ordered more meds to arrive at ECH on Friday
DY to provide checklist for moving
CC to liaise directly with NH regarding specific new homes for residents
SW required for each resident moving
Neil Howarth Update

Daughter took out to lunch?


Gone - Hawthorn Court


Issue with staff taking files

Hants Safeguarding lead visited today


Meadow House




Hartford Court


Family not in agreement

SW to review tomorrow

Resident now agreed


Catch up with Darren H

Daughter refused - Taken her home


Smoker - issue




Hartford Crt

Cut off for HC 1800hrs

Stretcher Tfr

Placement availability

From tomorrow - Shearwater can take up to 5
AUM - could do the admitting
Issue will be staffing
Single beds at 4 other units
2 beds available at Bluebell
3 beds available at Harry Sotnick
Enable Shearwater top floor for possible tfr of residents
To discuss release of AUMs to support Shearwater
Liaise with Hartford Court re poss 10 vacancies

Assessments of resident's needs

Body maps on residents on the receiving homes
6 careplans on electronic system
Body maps being undertaken on site
Assess all resident's needs
Nine residents will need to be moved on 23/11

Heating / water

Turn radiators on in the home
Suggest can someone go out with P card and by some blankets
Contact Emergency planning


What has happened to personal laundry - esp if it is currently being washed
Purchase 20 sets
Funding - P-Card to be obtained for additional purchases
Requirements - KM to feedback what is available/needed
Maintain open comms with staff already onsite (Kerry Moore)
PCC Staff - Liaise with unit provider managers for additional PCC staff
Agency Staff - Commensura - liaise with Tess
Minimum Requirements: 5 staff morning 4 during day/pm 3 overnight

Evening of 24/11/2022

DJ to be updated as required
Tomorrow AM - HC Support Worker
From Thornbury - 2 night staff
1 Carer
Kerry; Marie


Comms to CQC requesting support for new homes
Comms to duty press office
Press release drafted
Draft text for calls circulated
Attempts to call all relatives
Need to urgently contact ALL relatives by writing
Only comms thus far have been to the 9 relatives

Evening of 23/11/2022

Tina to provide 4 staff tomorrow
Debbie P to put in 1 RN and HC Support Worker tonight
Tina - Pam is coming in tomorrow for Meds; can pull of the details for meds tonight
HCAs for tonight
Medication has been dispensed this afternoon
Put out for 3 RGNs for tomorrow am
2RGNs from Sornbury(sp)

Comms - DY to draft for HK; then to circulate to the group

How to deal with the media if the rock up
How to screen residents when they move.
How to minimise the risk?? MS to think about what we might need (and liaise with DY)
General Public
Reactive statement for media
Defensive briefing HK
Solent staff
Requesting more info than other agencies
Avoiding time to respond to Q's
Avoiding anxiety
Not very specific
NH's specific staff are aware
How do we liaise with other relatives if we move 5 tomorrow.
Need some specific comms for staff when they speak to relatives


To be documented at each stage
Suppliers and equipment
Need to capture costs of Kerry, Jacqui,
Beds at premium rate
Several additional costs
RW aware
AB aware

Evening of 22/11/2022

DH to liaise with KM regarding those most at risk - the priority cases
Caroline - contact Thornberry
trained nurse and 4 HC support workers
Trained nurse at 8pm
Kevin - Lynn can respond with Twilight RN's
Tomorrow am - 5 people in the morning
Kerry to come in the morning - handover at 8am, KM and Vicky there tomorrow am.
Tonight KERRY - need a nurse overnight
Additional heating is on it's way.
Mark is on his way
Laura will deploy 5 staff up there now who can be a presence
Knows AUM's who can do meds, risk assess
Tina to liaise with Solent but options are limited due to ambulance issues.
Laura - her Safeguarding staff can go up there until approx 2030 - 2100
Only activities manager is onsite
KM - can send 2 staff tonight doing telecare calls around the city
Concern around moving residents tonight who are confused
Also HSH - Vicki is ringing Harry's for staffing
Can we open Shearwater now?

Jacqui is covered but not able to get any other staff at this point

5 rooms deep cleaned but not tonight

Spoke to August

Do we have staff we know and who are competent who can go to ECH?

Tina - options - can Solent provide anything,

Unlikely due to demand on ambulance services

Suggest also getting nurses in, not only carers

5 morning, 4 afternoon, 3 at night

White night



Suggest flooding staff in building is the most feasible option
Issues of medication delegation
Problem is agency staff may not be more competent than exisiting
No change of perm moves tonight

1110 20221123 Mtg

Kerry and Marie - update on home
More issues being identified
Water inconsistent in rooms
Mobilisation on stairs and upstairs with frames
No food
9 priority residents need to move today
DJ and LT
T/C with Beena (and Sam)

Poor comms with staff

Not picking up risks; focusing on practicalities; concerned about insurance of home

Need to plan for most vulnerable residents

Safeguarding response over-rides other consideration