Categorii: Tot - efficiency - education - safety - online

realizată de Rebeca Alvarado 9 ani în urmă



The provided information discusses various facets of education and transportation efficiency. It highlights the Honey and Mumford learning styles, emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages of online learning.


Aziz, A., & Canales, A. (2001, September 28). El PIB y la educación (2/2). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from

Rules and Regulations. (2012, January 6). Retrieved September 4, 2015, from

Special Education Teachers. (2014, January 8). Retrieved September 5, 2015, from
2012 Median Pay. (2014, January 8). Retrieved September 5, 2015, from

Transportation. (2015). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from

Home to School Travel and transport guidance. (2014, July 1). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from

New York State Department. (2011). How the Property Tax Works. Retrieved September 7, 2015, from

Inspector or Supervisor

School Zones

Colegio Inglés is located in school zone

R. (n.d.). Honey and Mumford. Retrieved September 6, 2015, from

Armstrong, S. (2013, April 5). Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning - eLearning Industry. Retrieved September 6, 2015, from

Gandel, C. (2015, February 6). The Virtual Option. Retrieved September 3, 2015, from
De la República, G. (n.d.). SIIEEB - Sistema Integral de Información de Escuelas de Educación Básica. Retrieved September 2, 2015.

IEESA. (2011). Evaluación del gasto en educación de México. Retrieved September 5, 2015, from

Gasto público en educación, total (% del PIB). (n.d.). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from


By: Rebeca Alvarado 9F #1

for the school nutrition meals for studens


Guidelines for School Transportation

Bus stops are located at corners or intersections whenever possible and are centrally located to where students are coming from.

Some houses are made stops on very busy roads or midway or long streets.

Must be trained
· must wear seatbelts, travel relatively slowly, over short distances, with frequent stops
Some rules in buses are:

1. Do not drink or eat in the bus 2. Co-operate with the driver 3. Do not fight, push or shove. 4. Keep the bus clean 5. Stay in your seat

Are designed with consideration of safety, efficiency, cost and shortest over-all rides.

Career options

Postsecondary teachers
Instruct students in a wide variety of academic and vocational subjects beyond the high school level. They also conduct research and publish scholarly papers and books.

Important qualities: · communication · critical thinking · resourcefulness · writing

· projected to grow 19 percent from 2012 to 2022 (fast) · 68,970 per year (2012) · 1.1 million people are secondary school teachers.

Elementary School Teacher
Acts as facilitators or coaches for students. They help students learn and apply concepts in subjects.

Occupations with the largest numerical increases in employment, projected 2004-20014

3.8 million jobs in 2008, 1.5 million are elementary school teachers.

Special Education Teachers
work with students who have a wide range of learning, mental, emotional, and physical disabilities.

· adapt general education lessons · teach various subjects, · also teach basic skills, such as literacy and communication techniques, to students with severe disabilities.

· projected to grow 6 percent from 2012 to 2022 (slow) ·$55,060 per year · needs a bachelor degree

School Psychologists
They study the human mind and human behaviour.

· In schools, they work with students. · Collaborate with teachers, parents, and school personnel.

· About of 4 out of 10 are self-employed. · One of the occupations with the largest numerical job growth.

They know where to find paper records or books.

· They assist people in finding information and using it effectively. · some work with specific groups of people such as kids, young adults, or adults.

Large number of retirements in the next decade will provide more jobs.

Virtual School

Some Schools
· Georgia Institute of Technology · College of Computing · Colegio Inglés (use of technology to give classes) · MOOCs · Standford · MIT · Duke
· Doesn't offer human interaction · cannot cope with thousands of students in the same connection. · Can be difficult for irresponsible students
At school: · people make friends · are patient · get rid of disappointment · compete
Many schools are offering the option to get a degree online.
·Have the same admission standards, content, graduation requirements and faculty instructors
· Less Stress for assignments · At your own pace · Boosts self-motivation · Self-discipline of students · Responsible students · some pay substantially a lower tuition.

FDA Guidelines

Expected to:
help mitigate childhood obesity
enhance the diet and health of school children
They are base on:
recommendations made by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Most Schools should:

the nutrition needs of school children within their calorie requirements.


the availability of fruits, vegetables, whole granes, and fat-free and low-fat milk.


levels of sodium, saturated fat and trans fat

Types of Learners

They like to understand the theory behind the actions. They need facts, models, concepts. Prefer to analyze.

They need facts, models, concepts. They like activities such as: statistics, stories, background information.

They learn by making a connection to a real life situation. They need to know how they are going to use in the real world.

They like to experiment, try new ideas, case study.

They learn by observing and by thinking. They like to collect data and take their time to make the appropriate move.

They like to think twice before acting, they observe, they like to self-analyze.

They learn by doing. They are open-minded. Like to fully involve themselves in activities.

They like activities such as: competitions, problem solving, puzzles, group projects.

National Funding

What does it mean?
Public expenditure on education includes government spending on educational institutions (public and private), education administration, and subsidies for private entities (students / households and other private entities).
From the PIB (Producto Interno Bruto) or GDP.
Second largest in Latin America after Brazil.
in 2011: PIB: 14,047,521.366

6.4% from that amount.

UNESCO recommended to raise that percentage to 8% in 2001. It is now an international goal.

About 1/4 of the total GDP.

Observations: · Since 2005 the national education spending has beshrinking relatively to the growth of 2013. · There is evidence of a downward trend in participation of the national education spending over GDP.

Property taxes

In schools:
renovations, books, school materials, mantainment of the institution.

In 2011, 5% of the national PIB was spent in public education.

How are they placed?
They are based on the value of the property

Counties, cities, towns, villages, school districts, and special districts raise money through the real property tax.

School districts and tax money

Tax Money:
Nuevo León gives 7.5% to the total national PIB.

25% of state taxes are spent in schools in Nuevo León.

33 of the states spend 65% less than the national average.

Every state makes different decisions regarding on how to spend their taxes with education.

How they are organised:
13 Regions in Nuevo León

Colegio Inglés is located in Region