Categorii: Tot - teachers - university - scholarships

realizată de Dilyara Tashibayeva 11 ani în urmă


Education in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan's education system spans from pre-school to higher education, incorporating several distinctive elements and facing various challenges. Pre-school education is offered through kindergartens for children aged 3 to 6, though there is a noticeable shortage of such institutions.

Education in Kazakhstan

Education in Kazakhstan

Some problems in education

Shortage of schools, kindergartens
Decrease in quality of education
Low prestige of the teaching profession, low level of qualification of most teachers

Ministry of education, departments of education in regions, cities and districts

determining the list of professions and specialties, according to which the professional preparation is carried out;
financing educational institutions, creating state foundations of stabilizing and developing educational system; preparing state normative of financing educational institutions;
releasing and accomplishing target state and international programs; tate accreditation of educational institutions; attestation of pedagogic staff;

'Linguistic Truinity' (announced by the RK President in 2006) - RK citizens should speak Kazakh, Russian and English languages

Bolashak Programme (high performing s-s get scholarships to get higher education abroad and then come back and work for 5 years in Kz) since 1993

Nazarbayev University - is considered to be world class teaching and research university.

established in 2009
English-medium university

Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools(implementation of the project since 2008)

7-11 grades

Higher Education(Kz joined Bologna Process in 2010),(establishing credit system of ed in 2002)

Phd degree (3 years)
Master degree (2 years)
Bachelor degree (4 years)

School (free, mandatory, socialized secondary school education is provided Constitution(1995)); transition to 12 year model of schooling;

Higher Secondary School (10-11 grades)
Unified National Testing (since 2004) s-s pass 5 subjects: math, Kazakh, Russian, History of KZ and elective subject
Lower Secondary School (5-9 grades)
After 9 grade, s-s can enter colleges
Primary school(1-4 grades)

Pre-school education

Kindergartens (3-6 years old)