Categorii: Tot - law - natural - happiness - criticism

realizată de maria garcia 7 ani în urmă



There are two distinct types of people in the world: those who find happiness in the positive aspects of life and those who focus on negativity. Happy individuals appreciate the good in conversations, well-prepared meals, productive days, and the finer details of life, allowing them to experience joy.


19th Century

18 th Century

18th Century

17th Century

16th Century



He was a politician, writer, philosopher, intellectual radical and revolutionary American of origin Englishman. Promoter of the liberalism and of the democracy. He is considered to be one of the founding Parents of the United States.


Kant's political thought is dominated, in effect, by the ideal ones of freedom, equality and valuation of the individual, own of an Illustration to which Kant adds and defends in his political writings. As in the ethics, - where the individual is awarded, in all that I hold mulberry tree, the aptitude to turn into legislator of the moral thing, from his autonomy-, in the politics the individual will be considered to be also, in civil all that, the creative subject of the field of the public common activity.


For Rousseau, the State is the political body that it(he,she) is born of the " first agreement " and that was, in this one, approved. Consequently, it is the State this human tide thrown before in the nature and that has transformed now voluntarily in political community; it is to say, in a company structured by laws that have been created by all his members and to which there are they they all submitted for the common good. Rousseau says this precisely in the chapter VI of the First book of the Social Contract, defining this way the State: " a moral body and group consisted of so many members as votes has the assembly, which gets for the same act his unit, his - I commonly, his life and his will "The State also will be called by Rousseau in passive sense: "civil society", "city - condition", or "republic", in active sense: sovereign people(village). What means that only there is distinguished the State of the sovereign people(village) when this one this assembled(brought together) in assembly and without this condition, it(he,she) gives the same thing. Now then, not to anticipate(advance), I allow that there should be discovered progressively in this second part of the work how Rousseau came to this conception of the State. For it, I will expose immediately his(her,your) own(proper) theory of the natural condition(state), his(her,your) conception of the social original agreement and his(her,your) expositions(approaches) on the nature and the functioning of the social order.


There are two persons' classes in the world, which are happy and those that are spoilt. The happy persons fix his attention in the suitable of the things, in the good parts of a conversation, in the prepared well plates, in one taken advantage of well day, in the subtlest details of the life and it they enjoy everything with happiness. The persons who are unhappy, think, speak, and remain always with the negative thing. If the unhappy being was established in the nature of the persons, these would be worthy of pity, but as criticizing and to complain it is acquired by imitation or by own decision, the unhappiness is growing up to turning into habit. Because the happiness is not a prize, but a consequence and the suffering is not a punishment but a result.


It uses the mètodo empìrico in the study of the questions polìticas; màs that the abstract ideas, he is interested in the concrete conditions and and current of the life. As the majority of the writers of his time, he believes in the existence of fundamental beginning of right and justice in the bosom of the nature, but to reach the educations of èsta is not necessary to depart from deductions based on the razòn, but from the facts of the history and of observaciòn from the circumstances of the life polìtica.Itdoes not exist, segùn Montesquieu, any form of government that encloses a value in s ì same; his value is always relative. When it changes the espìritu that reports to a certain form of government, a revolution happens necessarily. The democracies decline when the virtues are not practised polìticas and iteliminates the espìritu of equality. When it changes the extensiòn of the State, his primitive form of government transforms tambièn. Since the territorial growth of a State drives to undesirable forms, Montesquieu objected to Machiavelli's concepciòn on the importance and value of the extensiòn of the domains.


Locke was trusting in the human kindness but also in his possibility of wandering because of his weaknesses, and the need of the recognition of the man of the life, the freedom and the property of the fruits of his effort, as natural, or immanent rights, which they do to the essence of his being. The State is constructed by social contract man-to-man be equal, in order the public justice to protect and to exercise them, avoiding the private revenge, before conflicts that arise when they dispute his properties.


Has been supported by a sector of the political theory that in the thought of captures Hobbes, there exist some thinkers who act as predecessors of his thought; such as Bodino and especially of Machiavelli. Of Bodino he gathered strictly, the concept of absolute character of the Sovereignty, the conception that no other power overcomes; from Machiavelli he gathers some such basic concepts as that of authority, superiority and state independence, over the individual.


Grocio exposed the theory of a natural purely secular right, based on the doctrine of the estóicos and free of the ecclesiastic authority. He managed to separate this way the natural theological and Christian law of his bases, as it had understood in the Middle Ages. Only this way it could place to the right to the margin of the commanding conflicts as for religion. Grocio came back to the common and rational base of the whole right, which was generally recognized by the humanists when they re-discovered the estóicos. On this overall view he founded his treatment of the international law, understanding it and formulating it like aque to which the sovereign ones must subject for the reason. Two Hugo Grocio's famous phrases: " A State is a perfect corporation of free man, joined to enjoy rights and common advantages". " The law forces us to do what is adapted, not only what is just".


It affirms that the origin of the authority is in the agreement that daentre the diverse families that compose the elites of a company, on which they should put deacuerdo in a person or institution in order that he exercises the authority and governs. For it, the political power must be the result of an agreement, but once made concrete this agreement, the person queostente the authority will have to have all the power and she has to be obeyed by all. For Bodino, God is the foundation of the human reason and of the human nature. And then losHombres they put in agreement to look for an authority. For it the State does not have to be determined by the Church, but yes he has to respect her. Diverse possible forms of government exist, bearing in mind where the peoplecenters lasoberanía:In the democracy as body;in the aristocracy sovereignty is possessed on a minor part(report) of the above mentioned body. In the monarchy the sovereignty centers in a person.


His theories are marked with strong meaningful statements that have stood through centuries. 'The ends justify the means' and 'it is better to be feared than be loved' are two such quote that have never lost their vigor