realizată de gabriel carlucci 3 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
Restate your thesis while avoiding repetition.
descrive la storia di Enea, figlio di Anchise, il quale abbandonò la città di Troia nel momento in cui venne conquistata dagli Achei
Restate the differences between the book and the movie.
storia della conquista della città di Troia
Ritorno in patria di Ulisse
Use point-by-point organization in the body section to present the characteristics briefly stated in the thesis.
This means that if you use this draft to write a compare and contrast paper, each characteristic will be introduced in a separate paragraph.
How is the movie different from the novel?
Type in a short explanation. Use 'like', 'same as' or 'similar' for comparison, and 'unlike', 'differ from' and 'although' for contrasting.
How is the novel different from the movie?
Type in the answer. Use 'like', 'same as' or 'similar' for comparison, and 'unlike', 'differ from' and 'although' for contrasting.
The introduction provides background information for both the book and the movie.
discorso in versi esametri
Which are the differences between the book and the movie?
Think of at least 3 differences. Type them in.
Examples regarding Great Expectations
Type in the name of the main character.
This has to be the same for both the book and the movie.
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