Categorii: Tot - reform - dictatorship

realizată de Omar Torres 12 ani în urmă


Escenarios Regionales South America 2

South American politics in the late 20th and early 21st centuries were marked by significant upheaval and reform. In Peru, Juan Velasco Alvarado led a nationalistic government that focused on agrarian and educational reforms until a military coup in 1975.

Escenarios Regionales   South America 2

Regional Studies/ South America


Poorest country in SouthAmerica
Evo Morales (2005)

Leftist reformist .

He reformed the constitution and reelected in 2009

Leftist reformist. First indingenous descent president of Bolivia

Nationalization of the oil industry in 2006 and also railroads and mines

More rights for the indigenous communities

More taxes for the wealthier population

Sanchez de Lozada (2002)

Strong recession, forced to ressign one year later

Paz Zamora (1989)

He continued with the same policies, he emphasized the domestic production of food and raw materials

Paz Estenssoro (1985)

Implemented strict measures against hyperinflation, because they had the highest inflation rate in the world

Political inestability
Between 1978-1982, "ten different governments were in charge of the country


Juan Manuel de los Santos (2010 - ...)

He was the former defense minister of Alvaro Uribe

Alvaro Uribe (2002 - 2010)

He was first elected to gobern from 2002 - 2006.

He was reelected on the period 2006 - 2010.

Started a strong fight against cartels and guerrillas

Edgar Gaviria (1990)

During his term, the fight against cartels and to stop violence were approached in a more direct way

He was from the liberal party.

ELN and FARC were created

ELN: "Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional"

FARC: "Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia"

In the 70's, the importance of Colombia as a drug supplier grew immensely
At some point, 70% of the marihuana imported to the United States came from Colombia
Period "La Violencia" (1946 - 1964)
Confrontation between Liberals and Conservatives
Elite of coffee plantation owners


Alejandro Toledo (2001)

First indigenous president of the country

Alan Garcia (1985)

During his presidency, the insurgence problem grows

He is reelected after Alejandro Toledo, he still faces low approval and criticisms

Military took control (1975)

Was fueled by an economic crisis.

Shining path: Revolutionary organization that embraced Maoism and guerrilla tactics.
A civil government returned in 1980 with: Fernando Belaunde Terry
Juan Velasco Alvarado (1968)
Nationalistic government

Promoted an agrarian and educational reform


Hugo Chavez (1998)

He can reelect this year

Nationalization of:






Controversial because relation with Cuba and Iran

Populist regime with high expenses on education and food

Carlos Andres Perez
Luis Herrera Campins

Decreased exports, increases inflation and unemployment

Has lived uninterrumped democracy since 1958
Was not affected by dictatorship


Sebastian Piñera (2010)

First conservative before Pinochet

Two weeks before inauguration an 8.8 earthquake hit Chile

Michelle Bachelet (2006)

She was a socialist and a divorcee

First female president of the country

Protests: especially from students demanding better education

After this, she regained popularity thanks to an increase in the price of the cooper.

Augusto Pinochet (1973)

Dictatorship, that used, repression to control the population.

Introduction to neoliberalism model

One of the first countries in Latin America to neoliberalism.

Salvador Allende (1970)

Member of the social party.


Born as a result of Portuguese colonization.

Become South America's largest economy (2008)
Lula da Silva (2002)
First leftist to arrive presidency
Economy stayed open, regulated while regulating the flow of capitals
Fernando Collor de Mello (1989)
Won first direct elections
Militar dictatorship (1964 - 1985)

Caused by political and social inestability



Democratic process
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (2011)

She caused some controversy because of the possibility of her candidacy being an extension of her husband's power.

First female president in Argentina

Wife of former president

Raul Alfonsin (1983)

High hopes

Huge economic problems

Military took power (1976 and 1982)

Conflict with Great Britain: Falkand Isles

Argentina lose

Reputation of military government damaged irreparably


Military hunta headed by: General Videla

He was dictatorial, prosecuted anyone who opposed it.

Dictatorial, prosecuted anyone who opposed it

Not successful in economic terms

Lots of "desaparecidos"

"Desaparecidos": people who went missing under the dictatorial regime without a record of their whereabouts.

Traditionally goberned by an oligarchy

Was based on growing wheat and cattle, all with the suppor of the army.

One of the most famous presidents: Juan Domingo Peron (1946)

Was elected with the support of the workers and middle class.

Established an authoritarian and populist regime