Categorii: Tot - records - usage - employees

realizată de Arlis Tranmer 2 ani în urmă


Finding Updated Records

The text outlines steps for querying updated salary records from an employee database. It emphasizes using SQL commands like SELECT, FROM, and WHERE to extract relevant data such as employee IDs, names, and salaries from a specified table.

Finding Updated Records

Find the last time each bike was in use. Output both the bike number and the date-timestamp of the bike's last use (i.e., the date-time the bike was returned). Order the results by bikes that were most recently used.

FROM dc_bikeshare_q1_2012

ORDER BY end_time [DESC]

SELECT bike_number, end_time,

Finding Updated Records

Find the current salary of each employee assuming that salaries increase each year.


WHERE condition;


FROM table_name;


SELECT column1, column2, ...

id, first_name, last_name, salary, department_id

Table Name: ms_employee_salary id: int first_name: varchar last_name: varchar salary: int department_id: int