Practice writing letters/name with smaller writing utensils
Allow someone to adjust grip and help you write
Use a pencil on largely lined paper with pencil grip
Write without pencil grip
Be able to write papers/letters, apply for jobs, sign your name, do schoolwork, collect data, solve math problems
Learn about safety with scissors (e.g, no running, throwing, how to hold, etc.)
Use safety scissors
Improve with cutting/grabbing/fine motor skills - builds hand strength
Use normal scissors
Be able to do crafts, open things, grab objects, cook, cut hair, alter clothing, etc.
Improve in grabbing/fine motor abilities
Modeled on shoes
Attempt on a shoe with some assistance
Use laces and tie shoes independently
Tie a knot/bow for a present/sewing/crafts/
Putting on shoes independently and going to school/ workout/work/church
Fine Motor Skills
Writing with a pencil
Use big crayons, markers, paint dotters on paper/coloring books
Begin using smaller writing utensils (e.g., crayons, pencils, colored pencils, thin markers)
Cutting with Scissors
See someone use scissors
Fastening and Snapping Buckles
Allow child to play with buckles (toys)
Child notices seatbelt buckles in their car seat
Child attempts to buckle their own car seat
Child leaves car seat, now attempts to buckle seat belt
Independently able to buckle seat belt
Plugging in a plug
Grabbing toys with fingers, placing shaped toys into specific holes
See someone use a plug into an outlet
Taught not to touch/put things in outlet
Learn about electricity, how it transfers, why it's important/dangerous
Apply understanding of electricity to be able to use a plug
Tying Shoelaces
Velcro shoes
Someone puts on and takes shoes off
Begin to take off and put on velcro independently
Shows interest in shoes with laces
Shoes with laces
Attempted on toy shoes