Categorii: Tot - relationships - communication - teenagers - shoes

realizată de Gino Colangelo 3 ani în urmă


Gino Colangelo Mind Media Map

Snapchat is a widely used platform for staying connected with family and friends, offering an easy and reliable way to communicate visually and textually. It enables users to see each other throughout the day without the necessity of a live conversation.

Gino Colangelo Mind Media Map

Gino Colangelo Mind Media Map

Visually Representing Your Brand

Firstly, I love to collect and wear shoes like Jordans, Nike and Vans. I own 16 pairs of various shoes all sizes 10-11. Shoes are a way of expressing myself which also helps to draw attention and get compliments which I love to receive. Yes, they can be expensive but finding unique shoes that no one else has is a cool and satisfying feeling. Not a lot of my shoes are expensive but by having a lot people ask how can I afford them all. The only thing I tell them is that I work hard for my money and I pay for all of my shoes and clothing.
Secondly, fashion is another way of expressing myself. Putting an entire outfit together starting from the shirt to pants and finally shoes can be such a rewarding feeling when you like what you made. This also includes going shopping for these clothes like thrift shopping which is a rewarding feeling when you find something you like. I hope when people see the effort put into dressing up everyday they can tell that I care for myself and show that you don't need to pay the big prices that a lot of these stores wants for the same clothing you can buy for cheap.

Thirdly, my social media presence is very mediocre these days due to the constant demand to share your life everyday. I enjoy keeping to myself and only posting or sharing anything unless it's a pretty big deal. For example, a big sporting event, political events and/or personal accomplishments. I also believe this can keep you out of trouble because over the past couple of years many people have gotten into huge trouble for saying the wrong thing online. This explains to people that I'm a responsible and low maintenance person because I'd rather keep my personal life protected rather put it out for the world to see.

Lastly, my friends and I like to share funny videos of random things to our group. They feel like little pick me ups throughout the day and allow me to have a laugh at school or wherever I am at that time. This shows people that I'm a fun and interactive person that likes to have fun and laugh anytime of the day.

Demographics and Psychographics

Gino Colangelo, Male, Single, Student, Live in Toronto, 18. Basketball player, Dog lover, Love all music, Leader
Personally I enjoy being an introvert and extrovert. I enjoy spending time having fun with friends and family but also like to spend time by myself playing basketball and listening to music. Marketers could sell the feeling of excitement to me very easily. If I see everyone in the ad having fun then I would love to do it with my people too. . I feel like this ad is directed at me based on the fact that I'm a young adult trying to have fun with friends. As a lot of other young adults seeing people having fun partying we automatically want to join them.


Dispo is an app on your phone that acts like a disposable camera. It filters pictures to make it look like it camera from the actual camera. It allows me to be creative and get these pictures with a filter that I can't access because I don't have an actual disposable camera. It also takes time for your pictures to develop precisely 9:00am the next morning.
P2. How does technology impact the production of the text? Technology is everything when it comes to the production of this app. Without technology you don't have the app. This is where the pro and con comes in with this product. It gives you the disposable camera look without needing to buy the actual camera. But without a phone you'd need the actual camera.

Dispo makes me feel a sense of nostalgia and a break from all the editing and new gadgets of any day and age. It's also a fun feeling of anticipation waiting for those pictures to develop.


Spotify is my greatest media influence due to it's constant part it plays in my everyday life. I listen to music for 60% of my day and that maybe extensive but I do relate my mood to music. From the moment I wake up I listen to music that plays to my current mood. I mainly express my feelings with music and spotify gives me a very easy and accessible media outlet to do it.
M1. What is the narrative of this text? How does it tell a story? The narrative of Spotify is a platform to express yourself freely and it gives you a place to put it out for millions of people to listen to. Music allows people to story tell with a beat playing in the background. You can listen to music that lets you express how you feel and how you want to be seen as.

Spotify allows me to feel calm, cool and collected as it's mine main way of expressing myself. So as I listen to music I'm in my element and nothing can really touch me.

Brand Archetype

I matched with the outlaw archetype which does describes me pretty well. I'm always the ones who strives to be different from others and disrupt the basic things going on around me. I also like to think I'm a force to be reckoned with with everything I do especially my interests.
The outlaw archetype matches my media influences as I'm not scared to go against the status quo and be different for the sake of change. From the way I act to the way I dress I strive to disrupt the basic boring societal rules put in place for teenagers/young adults.

The Offensive Ad
The ad is very offensive to women saying expressing that men always open the jars or bottles for women. It's an attack on women saying that they are too weak to open something like a bottle but now this company made it so easy that anyone can do it.

The targeted audience was most likely for women so they know that this product is so easy to open that you won't need a male to help you.

It may have appealed to women because it sometimes is hard to open a jar or bottle so easy packaging can be enjoyable for some people.

I believe that my values are being left out because I know that women can do anything a man can and when I see an ad like this really takes away from the fight for equality.


Snapchat is my go to site for communication with family and friends. It always an easy and reliable way to talk and see the people you like. I use snapchat everyday, not constantly but. maybe two to three times a hour. Instead of having to facetime and talk while seeing the other person you can se the person where they are and talk through the day without physically speaking.
A2. How and why would this text appeal to this audience but not others? Snapchats targeted audience are teenagers due to the fact they're on their phones the most and love to talk to their friends especially the ones they can't see everyday. Adults are not gonna be on their phones and communicate through snapchat. Adults would rather call or quickly text the desired person or people they want to talk to.

Snapchat takes away the sense of loneliness as you can see and talk to people anywhere around the world easily. It also gives users a great way to find new people and create relationships with them.


An escape from boredom is what I like to describe youtube as. Anytime I don't have anything to do I enjoy watching sport highlights and comedy bits on youtube. It allows me to study the game of basketball which I play and have a little laugh.
A1. Who is the target audience for this text and why would this audience be targeted? The great thing with youtube is that they don't have a target audience. They allow users to create any content they aspire to. Youtube ope platform concept allows content creators to choose a targeted audience which helps them reach out to many different audiences.

The one complaint I have with Youtube is the excessive ads that always pop up on videos. They get repetitive and most of the time are useless to me.