realizată de anthony joaquim 6 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
monetary policy(Hayeks ideas) is now the main government economic policy in the west
leads to great deregulation of nationalized government industries
Uninetnded Consequences
deregulation leads to huge gap in income inequality
companies use free trade and deregulation to outsource.
Investment banks over extended begin to falter and go Bankrupt.
leads to greatest recession since the great depression.
return to a more balanced government approach in the markets
loss of manufacturing jobs in the West
huge profits
intended Consequences
recession ends western economies start to boom
greater growth leads to more blief in Hayek's theories and more prosperity into the 90's and 2000's and less government regulation
economies hit record highs in GDP and the stock market in the mid 2000's
lowest regulation of the financial sector since the 1929 stock market crash. Record Highs for GDP and stocks continue
Hayek goes to teach University of Chicago, continues to teach his theories
ignored by governments
Mentors and influences Milton Friedman
inflation and unemployment both rise. Not possible accoriding to Keynesians. Western Economies in recession
Thatcher and Regan elected in U.K. and U.S. first time Hayeks policies are widely used. Western economies recover
Hayeks ideas take hold and are the predominant theory, now touted by Friedman, in governments making policy unitl the 2008 recession
Hayek's ideas on deregulation and no government intervention lead to banks and ivetment firms taking more and more risks and leads to 2008 recession. Keynesian ideas are tried to ease the great recession
people suffer greatly with the boom and bust cycles of the free market
governments spend to arm and unemployment drops drammactically
Western Economies boom for 30 years. Keynes ideas credited for the success
Hayek sees hyper inflations impact in Germany and believes the economy can only be fixed by letting the free market take its course