realizată de Jonathan Kong - T L Kennedy SS (2352) 4 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
dating violence.
date rape
Sexual Coercion
Sexual Harassment
Platonic friendship
We did a little "research paper" on drugs in social media, how they're portrayed and seen. We decided to look at songs, and how most songs glorify the use of drugs, some even glorifying the overdose of drugs. I chose a song called mr brownstone by guns n roses that actually steers away from drugs, and tells a story about how drugs ruined a mans life.
While you were gone we watched a documentary on eating a good diet and portion controlling
Did a research paper on the Keto diet
With Fitness, I was able to track my performance throughout the course and my progress building endurance in different physical fields such as:
Core Endurance
Shoulder Taps
Agility Test
Dot Drill
T Test
Grip Strength
Vertical Jump
Sit & Reach
Push Ups
5 Minute run
Beep test
Light Running
Leg Stretches
Arm Stretches
Rock Paper Scissors Tag