Categorii: Tot - movies - magic - characters - creatures

realizată de Luke Abela 17 ani în urmă


Harry Potter

In a world of magic and wonder, a young boy named Harry Potter discovers his true heritage and embarks on a journey filled with danger, friendship, and self-discovery. Alongside his best friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, Harry navigates the complexities of life at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Harry Potter

Harry Potter


Other Characters
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Seamus Finnagun
The Other Weasely's
Dean Thomas
Other Teachers
Hagrid - Games Keeper and Care of Magical Creatures
Professor Trelewayney - Divination
Professor Flitwick - Head of Ravenclaw
Professor Sprout - Head of Hufflepuff
Professor Snape - Head of Slytherin
Professor McGonnagal - Head of Gryfondor
Professor Dumbledore - Headmaster
DADA Teachers
Professor Snape
Professor Umbridge
Professor Moody
Professor Lupin
Professor Lockhart
Professor Quirel
Main Characters
Ronald Weasely
Hermonie Granger

