Categorii: Tot - diffusion - temperature - concentration - resistance

realizată de Astrid Leiva 4 ani în urmă


Heat and Mass Transfer

Mass transfer occurs due to differences in concentration and pressure. It can be described using mechanisms similar to those for heat transfer, notably through diffusion. Fick's Law of Diffusion explains the proportionality between diffusive mass flux and concentration gradient, with the diffusion coefficient playing a critical role.

Heat and Mass Transfer

Non Equilibrium ie unequal Chapter 1

Conservation of Thermal Energy(1.1.3)

Mechanism and Modes Chapter 2

Mechanisms and modes
Radiative Heat Transfer(2.3)


q=heat flow rate

A=area (m^2)

T=absolute Temp (K)

σ=Stefan-Boltzmann Constant ( 5.676E-8 [W/m^2K^4] or .1714E-8 [Btu/hrft^2R^4 ] )


Conduction(2.1) Fourier's equation(rate law)


k=thermal conductivity of medium (W/mC) or (W/mK)

qx= rate of heat flow in the x direction (W)

T= Temperature at location x (K or C)

x=location in x axis

qx"/A = heat flux

Thermal Diffusivity(2.1.2)


α= thermal diffusivity

ρ= density

cp=specific heat

k=thermal conductivity

flux of energy= α x Gradient in energy

(aka change in internal energy--> different from thermal conductivity because this alone does not determine temp change, also matters how much energy is need for each degree of temp change)

Density and Specific Heat(2.1.3)

-ρ & cp are parts of “thermal mass” of the system.

-ρ x cp=volumetric heat capacity

-two type of density (important when material is porous)


Convective Heat Transfer(2.2) Convection over a surface


q1-2 =the heat flow rate from 1-2 (in W or Btu/hr)

A= the area normal to the direction of heat flow (m2 or ft2)

T1 − T2 = the Temp diff b/t surface & fluid

h=the convective heat transfer coefficient, also called the film

coefficient. (W/m^2*C or (Btu/hr*ft^2 *F)

**************Understanding h************************

-This equation is not a law, but rather a defining equation for h.

-h includes the conduction in the fluid in addition to bulk flow

--->presence of conduction(more generally diffusion) will always exist in bulk flow

-h is a function of system geometry, fluid and flow properties, and magnitude of ΔT

Conduction &or Convection Governing Eqn and Boundary Conditions Chapter 3
Governing Equation for Heat Transfer (3.1)

if continuity equation is applicable(du/dx=0) then u can be taken out of derivative

**important to realize that the convection term is when the "CV" that our looking at has bulk flow. Different than when a surface has a convection BC

Utility of the equation

  1. It is useful for any material.
  2. It is useful for any size or shape. Similar equations can be derived for other coordinate systems.
  3. It is easier to derive the more general equation and simplify
  4. It is safer - as you drop terms you are aware of the reasons.

Can we make it more general? (aka its limitations)

  1. To use with compressible fluids.
  2. To use when all properties vary with temperature. We need numerical solutions (explained later in the book) to solve such problems.
  3. To include mass transfer. For example, the equation cannot predict the temperature inside a steak during cooking in an oven since the equation does not include water loss from the steak.

Governing Eq in diff Coordinate Systems(3.5)

doesn't include bulk flow part of general equation

Spherical Coord

Cylindrical Coord

Cartesian Coord

General Boundary Conditions(3.2) -Boundary Conditions are needed to solve constants of anti-derivatives -three common types of boundary conditions

2) Surface heat flux is specified

useful in first integral to get first constant (C1)

**surface heat flux is different than internal heat generation

2b) Special case: Symmetry condition

Used in a problem where geometry and the BC are symmetric

---> ex is slab of uniform thickness that is symmetrically cooled

on both sides

x=0 is indicative of the line of symmetry

2a) Special case: Insulated condition

3) Convection at surface

when heat conducted out of the boundary is convected by the fluid

--> the heat flux can only be conducted away as fast as it is

convected away

1) Surface temperature is Specified

Convection Governing Eq & Boundary Conditions Chapter 6


Finding Nu

Forced Convection


the characteristic length is the outside diameter.


over horizontal cylinder

constants B and n are found in table to use in equation

Flow Through Cylinder

characteristic length is the inner diameter of the tube

Flat Plate(6.6.1)


L=distance along the flow

Natural Convection

Flow Over Cylinder assumption test to use Sphere equation

characteristic length would be the height of the cylinder, L.

D stands for Diameter


If D is large enough compared to L can use sphere


for a horizontal circular cylinder

Flow Over Cylinder

Flow Over Sphere

characteristic length is the diameter of the sphere( L becomes D)

Flate plate(6.6.3)

Horizontal surface

The characteristic length in the equations for horizontal plates is calculated as L =A/P, where

A=the surface area

P=the perimeter of the plate.

Hot side facing up or cold side facing down

Hot side facing down or cold side facing up

Vertical surface

characteristic length L is the height of the vertical surface.

Fluid Properties

Film Temperature

Film Temperature is the average Temp of Surface temp and temp of fluid

Film temp is important because it is the temp that you use for a given fluid property like viscosity

Characteristic Length

Characteristic Length (L) depends on the geometry of the surface over which flow takes place

When dimensionless number is denoted with L, it means it is the average number, whereas if it is denoted with x it is the local number

Grashof number


β=Thermal expansion

ΔT= Temp diff( b/t surface and the bulk fluid)


Grashof number arises because in natural convection velocity of fluid arises from density difference


For ideal gases

β=(1/rho)(P/Rg*T^2) since rho=P/RgT ---> β=1/T

Prandtl Number

Prandtl number relates thermal boundary layer to velocity boundary layer

Nusselt Number


Nu= non-dimensional temperature gradient

Nu compares thermal conduction in the fluid relative to the convection in the fluid.(relates entirely to the fluid and involves fluid thermal conductivity

Convective heat transfer term (h)

Reynolds Number



L= Characteristic Length

uinfinty is the free stream velocity,

x= distance along the flow from the leading edge


If Reynolds number uses x ---> becomes Rex.

If Reynolds number uses L --> becomes ReL .

If Reynolds number uses D---> becomes ReD.


Reynolds number is a flow parameter so it depends only on the properties of the fluid( ie velocity density, viscosity) also depends on the distance at which your looking at

Reynolds number related closely to velocity boundary layer

turbulent, laminar, trans for a flat plate?

based on disance x along the plate

Temperature Profiles and Boundary Layers over a Surface(6.2)

Effect of the flat plate on the flow/Temp is essentially restricted to the respectively boundary layers

Thermal BL

Thermal BL eq

Velocity BL

Velocity BL eq

Chapter 5 : Temperature changing with time(not Steady)

Not phase change

Semi Infinite Approx check

5.5 Transient Heat Transfer in Semi-Infinite Region Governing Eq.

BC Convection at Surface

For specified heat flux condition

Semi-infinite Slab where(h/k is not<<1)

BC Specified Surface Temp

Surface Heat Flux eq, q"

Heat Flux decreases with time

Temp Equation when (h/k<<1, negligible external resistance)

Biot number


h is the heat transfer coefficient

L is the characteristic length

k is the thermal conductivity


For Bi < 0.1

Eq h(V/A)/k < 0.1

Not negligible internal resistance

Series Solution


α = k/ρcp  is the thermal diffusitivity

Fourier Number

Non-dimensional time


Long time is defined as Fo > 0.2. Substituten n=0

1st Term of Series Solution

Infinite Geometry -use Heisler Chart to get Temp gradient -unless special case where we want to find average temp

Boundary Conditions: Surface temp specified

Initial Condition

Ti is the constant initial temperature and Ts is the constant temperature at the two surfaces of the slab at time t > 0.


Temperature profile will always be symmetric

5.3.3 Avg Temperature Change with Size

For Finite Geometry(5.4)

For a finite cylinder

For a rectangular box

Conditions to use Heisler Chart

Heisler Charts has plots of relations between non-dimensional variables




Compute with more than one term

Lumped Parameter Analysis (negligible internal resistance)

When temperature variations are ignored. Temperature would then only vary with time.


Suitable for large surface areas, small volumes, small convective heat transfer coefficients and large thermal conductivities


Freezing and Thawing (Phase Change) Chapter 7


Evaporation from Wet Surfaces(7.5.1)


c stands for concentration of water vapor

hm=mass transfer coefficient

Finding ΔH

Elevated boiling point of slns(7.5.3)

same as in freezing but for boiling point


Freezing of Solutions and Biomaterials (7.3)


xA=mole fraction of A(water probably) in the solution

TA0 =freezing point of a pure liquid (K)

ΔHf=the latent heat of fusion

Rg = gas constant ( 8.314 kJ/kmol)

TA=freezing point is the freezing point of the solution in A (K)

Dilute Solutions


xB=mole fraction of B(solute) in the solution

TA0 =freezing point of a pure liquid (K)

ΔHf=the latent heat of fusion

Rg = gas constant ( 8.314 kJ/kmol)

TA=freezing point is the freezing point of the solution in A (K)



mole fraction xb

mA=mass of water

mB=mass of solute

MA=molecular weight of water

MB= molecular weight of solute

xb=mole fraction for dilute solutions


MA=molecular weight of water

M=molality or moles of solute/unit mass of water(or other solvent)


Can use when xB<<1

Temperature Profiles and Freezing Time(7.4)

Heat Loss through a frozen layer

Freezing Time for an Infinite Slab of Pure

Following Assumptions are made

  1. Initially all material is at freezing temperature Tm but unfrozen.
  2. All material freezes at one freezing point.
  3. Thermal conductivity of the frozen part is constant.

working with a symmetric freezing of a slab

convection at surface


Ts=Temp of convective fluid

L=half the thickness

tf=time it takes for all the way to L to freeze

BC that Temp known


x=half the thickness

Tm=initial temp of material

Ts=surface Temp

If working with Biomaterial


λ=heat of fusion


when working wih Biomaterial will give you new ΔH

Temperature not changing with time(Steady) Chapter 4

Steady-State Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces:Fins(4.4)


θ=T-Tinfinty .

θb=Tb-Tinfinty .

Tb=Temp at base


BC for special case of a long fin

Heat flow eq, q

Fin effectiveness

Steady State Heat Conduction in a Slab with Internal Heat Generation(4.3)

Steady-State Heat Conduction in a Cylinder(4.2)

Steady-State Heat Conduction in a Slab(4.1)


Heat flow Eq

One Dimensional Conduction through Composite Slab(4.1.1)

Temp Eq

Radiation Chapter 8
Electromagnetic Radiation

Reflectivity, Absorptivity,Transmissivity

Functions of wavelength

Beer-Lambert Law


Fo=the flux in W/ m^2

δ =the penetration depth, distance at which the flux becomes 1/e

x=distance into material

F=the flux at a location inside the material at a distance x

Radiative Exchange


q= rate of heat flow

F1-2= view angle from body 1->2

two black bodies exchanging

Two gray surfaces create an enclosed volume

Object is completely enclosed in a surface

2 Gray Parallel Infinite Planes

Radiation emitted by a Body

peak emmisive wavelength

Real Body Emission

Total emissitivity ε compares the emissive power E of an actual body to the emissive power of the ideal (black) body

Real Body mono

Monochromatic emissivity = ratio of the monochromatic emissive power of a body to the monochromatic emissive power of a blackbody

*at the same wavelength and temperature

Black Body Emission

Monochromatic emmision


c = is the speed of light

h = Planck's constant (6.625E-34)

κ = Boltzmann's constant (1.380E-23)

T = the absolute temperature in K

Eb_λ,= Energy flux provided by the given wavelength


Black Body emmission from range of wavelengths

The F0−λT values, representing the fraction of total energy emitted by a blackbody at temperature T. Then use equation to find the fraction of energy between the two wavelengths.

Equilibrium between different states of matter(9.3)

Equilibrium between a Gas and a Solid (With Absorbed Liquid) -cA,adsorbed=K*c^n_A

ca ,absorbed is the concentration of absorbed solute A

Ca is the concentration of solute A in solution

K* and n are empirical constants

Equilibrium between Solid and Liquid in Absorption - 1-RH=b1 exp(-b2w)

-The common example of a solid coming in equilibrium with a gas is the potato chip typically becoming soggy when left out of the package.


RH is the relative humidity ( in fraction)

b1 and b2 are constants

and w is the equilibrium moisture content(%)

Concentration (9.1) -roea=mass concentration=(mass of A)/(unit volume) -ca= molar concentration= (moles of A)/(unit volume)


ca in text can means both molar and mass concentration depending on the context unless both are used in one equation

Concentrations in a Gaseous Mixture -c=(p)/(Rg*T)

Equilibrium Between a Gas and Liquid -xa=(pa)/H

pa is the partial pressure of species

xa is the concentration of the species

H is the Henry constant ( change base on gas)

Mass And Heat Transfer

Heat Transfer

Heat Transfer for equilibrium thermodynamics
Table of Contents

Mass Transfer(Ch9) -caused by unequal concentrations and pressures

Modes and Mechanisms
Convective Mass Transfer

studied the same way as Convective Heat Transfer

Convective mass transfer is the movement of mass through a medium as a result of the net motion of a material in the medium

two scenarios

1) Convection-diffusion over a surface and

2) Convection-dispersion in a fluid or porous media.

Convection Dispersion in a fluid orporus media

Convective Diffusion Mass Transfer Over a Surface

Dispersion Mass Transfer

Dispersion depends on flow, being generally an effect of turbulent flow. Molecular diffusion, due to the thermal-kinetic energy, is always present.

Frick's Law Diffusion

analogous to diffusive heat transfer described in section 2.1

D_AB diffusion coefficient --> mass diffusivity of A in B in m^2/s

analgous to thermal diffusivity

proportionality between diffusive mass flux and concentration gradient

Flux Equation for a convective Situation

Full General Mass Transfer EQ

Concentration changing with time

semi infinite approx

Semi Infinte BC and IC

Error Function

not semi infinte appr

Internal Diffusive REsistance is not negligible Bi>.1

1D slab BCs & IC

Internal Diffusive Resistance is Negligible Bi<.1 (Biot# defined below)

Lumped Parameter BC

Concentration not changing with time

With Reaction


The analogy between

the heat and mass transfer situations is quite straightforward. In heat transfer, energy is

diffusing as well as being lost from the surface (decaying). In mass transfer, the species

is diffusing as well as it is decaying as a first order reaction.

no reaction

Multiple Slabs +convection BCs

One Slab BCs are

Full General Mass Transfer Various Coordinate Systems

General Boundary Conditions

Convection at the surface

Surface Mass Flux is specified

Special Case: Symmetry Condition

Special Case: Impermeable condition

Surface Concentration is specificed

Mass average velocty

Capillary Diffusion

cap D os ratio of transport coefficient K and differential capacity

Diffusivity of liquids (Stokes-Einstein)

Stokes Equation f=6pi(viscosity)r

(mu) is medium viscosity

D is macroscopic diffusion coefficient

f is frictional coefficient

k is boltzman constant

T is absolute Temperature

Diffusivity for gases

where DAB is the diffusivity of A through B,

T is the absolute temperature,

MA and MB are molecular weights,

p is absolute pressure in atm,

σAB is the collision diameter in A

(Omega)D,AB is a dimensionless function of the temperature and the intermolec-ular potential

Diffusivity Speed

Pressure Driven ch10 Darcy Flow capillary in a porous solid


n^v is the volume metric flux

H is hydraulic potential or water potential over s distance

K is hydraulic conductivity-represents the ease with which fluid can be transported through a porous matrix,

Redefined Darcy

Redefined K


φ be the volumetric porosity, (ratio of volume of void space (pore

volume) to the bulk volume of a porous medium.)

Chemical Kinetics(9.4) generation or depletion of a mass species
nth Rate Law
DEFINITION OF RATE Rate=(mass of Product produced or reactant consumer)/(Unit volume)(Time)
Law of Mass Conservation (9.2) (Rate of Mass In)-(Rate of Mass Out) +(Rate of Mass Generation)= Rate of Mass Storage

this equation is only for one species at a time --> species i