Categorii: Tot - célula - tejido - histología - protección

realizată de Diego Calle 3 ani în urmă



En el estudio de la histología animal se analizan diversos tipos de tejidos, cada uno con funciones específicas que son esenciales para el organismo. El tejido muscular se clasifica en estriado liso, estriado cardíaco y estriado esquelético, todos derivados del mesodermo y compuestos por miocitos.



Global warming is the ongoing rise of the average temperature of the Earth's climate system which has various negative effects.

Tejido Conjuntivo

Overpopulation creates an increased demand for energy as well as having negative effects on our environment and ecosystems.



Participa en la coagulación sanguínea y cicatrización de las heridas

Glóbulos blancos

Defensa: contra los agentes extraños

Glóbulos rojos

Respiratoria: Transporte de gases


Interviene en la coagulación sanguínea, mediante el fibrinógeno

C.2.- T. Óseo
Que es : Soporte de tejidos blandos. - Protección de órganos vitales
Concepto : Sus células son los osteocitos, osteoblastos y osteoclastos
C.1.- T. Cartilaginoso
Que es : Sus células son los condrocitos y los condroblastos
Concepto : Es el esqueleto de sostén de los embriones

Overfishing is the removal of a species of fish from a body of water at a rate that the species cannot replenish, resulting in those species becoming underpopulated in that area.

This will lead to a Marine Ecosystem imbalance with time.

Que es: Sus células son los adipocitos y los adipoblastos
Función : Almacén de combustibles ricos en calorías

Water is essential for agricultural production and food security. It is the lifeblood of ecosystems, including forests, lakes, and wetlands.

Overpopulation affects our water and this has negative outcomes.

Que es : La matriz está formada por abundantes fibras de colágeno
Función : Nutrición y mantenimiento de los órganos

Over-cultivation is the practice of excessive farming on a piece of land to the point of degradation of the soil as well as the land itself.

Secretan un material intercelular llamado matriz

Tejido Epitelial

Climate change is likely to both increase electricity demand for cooling in the summer and decrease electricity, natural gas, heating oil, and wood demand for heating in the winter.


How will climate change affect the production of clean energy?

e.g.: solar, wind, water



Glándulas que secretan su producto al torrente sanguíneo

Glándula Exocrina

Glándulas que llevan su producto al exterior (glándulas mamarias, sudoríparas, sebáceos)


Tapizan, revisten, recubren órganos huecos, cavidades o superficies externas del cuerpo

New infrastructure investments may be necessary to meet increased energy demand.

e.g.: nuclear power plants

Función : Protección: contra lesiones mecánicas, infección por microorganismos,
Fuerte adhesión entre células. son avasculares

Tejido muscular

Healthy ecosystems and rich biodiversity are fundamental to life on our planet.

Even small changes in average temperatures can have a significant effect upon ecosystems.

Tipos de tejidos

The inter-connected nature of ecosystems means that the loss of species can have knock-on effects upon a range of ecosystem functions.

e.g. bees go extinct

C. Estriado liso :
B . estirado cardíaco : Rodea el corazón , es involuntario
A . estirado o esquelético :Rodea a los huesos

Climate change will affect mountain and lowland ecosystems, the diversity of wildlife, and the distribution of freshwater.

e.g.: forest fires

Miocito o fibrosito

Climate change is affecting the habitats of several species, which must either adapt or migrate to areas with more favorable conditions.

e.g.: natural habitat disappearing

Escusa sustancia intercelular
Deriva del mesodermo

Tejido nervioso

Climate change is supported by scientific evidence.


Write down the consequences caused by the melting of the ice-caps and how it will affect our lives and the environment in the future.

e.g.: decreasing of polar bear habitat


Microglía :tejido nervioso con capacidad fagocitaria y de soporte

Oligodentrocito : envuelve y protege los tejidos nerviosos del cerebro

Astrocito : soporte y nutrición


Write down the consequences caused by this issue and how it will affect our lives and the environment in the future.

e.g.: flooding, rainfall increase

transporta , conduce y genera el impulso nerviosos


Write down the consequences caused by this issue and how it will affect our lives and the environment in the future.

e.g.: decreasing of land surface

Es vascular e inervado
Escasa sustancia intercelular
Deriva del ectodermo