Categorii: Tot - education - motivation - theories - learning

realizată de Madison Kirkendall 6 ani în urmă


History and Philosophy of Education Concept Map

Exploring the intersection of history and philosophy in education reveals how deeply personal beliefs and broader educational theories shape the approach to teaching and learning. Motivated by a desire to uplift others and aligned with spiritual values, the role of a learner and teacher involves both acquiring knowledge and serving students with compassion, mirroring the teachings of prominent figures like Jesus.

History and Philosophy of Education Concept Map

Catherine Beecher believed that the military profession was a "profession of killing our fellow creatures, and is attended with everything low, brutal, unchristian, and disgusting".

D&C 134

"We believe that all men are justified in defending themselves, their friends, and property, and the government, from the unlawful assaults and encroachments of all persons in times of exigency, where immediate appeal cannot be made to the laws, and relief afforded."

Women have a divine responsibility to love, nurture, and care for children.

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God – deny thyself daily, and take up thy cross and follow me.”

Important points made by Catherine Beecher

Each sex has appropriate duties that they need to perform

The Family a Proclamation to the World

"Thousands of young are repelled from improvements, and contract a durable horror for books, by ignorant, injudicious, and even cruel modes of instruction."

Teach to their level.

Legend: Doctrine: Brown Principle: Pink Applications: Orange Master Teacher: Yellow Green: What I know is true. Purple: What I am struggling with. Red: What I disagree with.

How do I learn?

Seek truth

By memorizing information without their relationships to the actual material.

Apply the things taught in my daily life

Actively prepare, participate in discussions, and review.

History and Philosophy of Education Concept Map

What's worth learning?

Worth of personal morals and opinions
worth of others
3 Nephi 17:23-24 "...they looked to behold they cast their eyes towards heaven, and they saw the heavens open, and they saw angels descending out of heaven as it were in the midst of fire; and they came down and encircled those little ones about, and they were encircled about with fire."
Children are of the utmost importance to God and no one may ever degrade them

Horace Mann

every child has the same potential
Every child needs to be educated no matter where they come from

Who Should Teach?

Someone who can have compassion on a child's home situation
Many children have stresses on their minds that prevent them from learning and it isn't their fault
Necessary qualifications: Patience, Ingenuity, a thousand eyes, and great physical endurance
John Dewey

My philosophy

Help children find answers through guided learning, but without giving them the answers
Class needs to be something that children look forward to
School should be a light in the lives of the child
Children should feel safe at school
school should be inspiring
Children have struggles underneath the surface and it is important to understand the reasoning behind bad behavior and lack of desire to learn
Ask children how they get their answers

Who should teach?

Those who can instil a desire to learn instead of memorize in the students.
Those who can and will provide a good example for those around them.
Christ-like individuals
Selfless Individuals

John 8:28: Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things.

People who can identify the importance of light and truth

Who's worth teaching?

Children who do not have the same opportunities as middle class children
Those seeking truth
Anyone who seeks truth instead of doubt
Those who choose to be hard to work with.
Those who are wiling to learn should be taught, those who are unwilling to try will not learn no matter what we try to tell them.

According to the Guide to the Scriptures the definition of humility is, "To make meek and teachable, or the condition of being meek and teachable. Humility includes recognizing our dependence upon God and desiring to submit to His will."

Anyone and everyone who is willing to learn

Important points made by Pestalozi

Moral Law
These children are so very malleable in this stage of their lives and it is important to feed the good, God-given spirit of these children and avoid the suppression of the "love, gratitude and trust already developed in infancy."
Reasoning helps to define the building blocks to be used through thought, careful consideration, and observation
Progressiveness; the idea that building blocks are essential to the building of a student
Through starting where the children are at, a foundation is being appointed which can be built upon without the possibility of eventual demolition.
Children must learn that through their natural abilities and gifts, they have the ability to nurture an abounding future.
Through teaching children new things in harmony with their divinely given natures, they can learn in a much more welcoming environment than an environment focused solely on the subject matter being taught instead of the nurturing of the children as well.
How do children learn?
Love is an essential part of the nurturing of any individual and it is also essential to being able to feel comfortable in a learning environment.
All of the little quirks held by individuals are essential to their learning experiences because that is a demonstration of their learning technique.
in order for children to succeed, they must never be held back or over loaded in their schooling, therefore making the principle of freedom an important one.
A teacher must always keep an open mind and an open heart when teaching their students because education founded on false affection is not conducive to the learning of children.
It is important to see where a child is coming from before you can teach to the needs of that child.

What is the role of learning and teaching in the home?

Catherine Beecher
Know the worth of women
Help females to regulate their own minds and tempers.
Train females to become mothers and teachers.
Guide the learning of your children, don't do things for them.
They need to find things out on their own to strengthen the depth of their learning.
Make sure that every child has a personal journal and set of scriptures
Have children teach lessons
Regularly have children bear their testimonies of the scriptures
It is important to not only teach children to love others, but to teach them to love their siblings and parents as well.
Teach Applications ALONG WITH doctrine and principles and not as separate things. Applications ate what help us to expound upon doctrine and principles.
First, teach doctrine. Second, allow my children to learn and understand the principles through the spirit. Third, require applications.
Learning and teaching in the home provides a safe and comfortable environment for children to expound upon their natural gifts.

What is the role of school in society?

Schools in our society are paid for by local property taxes
This causes schools in lower income areas to be unable to provide and help their school out
To teach kids how to take tests
Help children to apply their learning by having them discuss certain information with each other to help them to deepen their knowledge and understanding
To provide an essentially free daycare for parents who work or are tired.

Upon what foundations are U.S. public schools built?

The memorization of times tables, places, key events in history, letters, and grammar rules.
This act makes it hard for teachers to teach to the needs of the rest of their classes because special needs students require special attention.
This is an act that especially helps special needs children to have the same access to schooling that other children have.
This provides a way of guiding the learning of children.
No Child Left Behind is an act that created a common standard for schools to live up to.

This forces teachers to focus on only information provided and not information that students can explore.

Have children explain the concepts you have taught them
Spend time one on one with the children
Make activities that help children understand their worth
Everyone should be held to the same standards and be defined by a grade which students can only achieve through one path.

What is my work as a learner and teacher?

Educational Theories

Children are trained to follow strict and mindless procedures

Classrooms follow a well-organized layout and bell schedules are used

Children are solely responsible for their own learning


Teacher-centered Philosophy

This philosophy states that there are values that are important and that information taught should be based upon everlasting values instead of facts.

This philosophy states that learning depends on the student and that learning should sprout from their individual questions and pursuits instead of a given curriculum.


This philosophy states that there is no one right answer to any given question or piece of information

Help the students to identify truth
John 8:32 Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free
See the students in the right light with the right perspective
Share my knowledge with others
Take notes on things I learn and things I observe in students
John 13
Serve those you teach as Jesus did
Teach by setting an example of goodness.
Put my whole heart and soul into it.
Participate and strive to use the information presented to me in my classes to grow.
Ask questions!
When the teacher stops talking, my job is to ask a question.

How do I view and magnify those I teach?

Theories and Philosophies of Teaching
3 Nephi 18
Jesus loved those he taught.
Every child is a child of God and they should be treated and praised as such.

Who am I and what motivates me?

3 Nephi 12:44
Always strive to love everyone no matter what
I am a Daughter of God and I am motivated by my desire to lift up others and follow God's plan for me individually.