Categorii: Tot - infrastructure - employment - workers - legislation

realizată de CAMILA SAKANASHI 3 ani în urmă


How far did the character of the New Deal change after 1933?

The New Deal underwent significant transformations starting in 1933, particularly through the establishment of various agencies aimed at reducing unemployment and improving infrastructure.

How far did the character of the New Deal change after 1933?

How far did the character of the New Deal change after 1933?

Securities and Exchange Commission, 1934

People now had to make a minimum down payment of 50-60 percent
Before buying shares
Regulated the conduct of the stock
Set up to prevent another "Wall Street Crash"

Works Progress Administration, 1934

Employment was also given to workers in other areas
The WPA gave work to 2 million people a year

sent out on nationwide tours


Painted murals

Umemployed writers

To produce guide book to states and cities

By 1937
had been copleted 1100 schools and public buildings

69000 kilometres of roads

Run by Harry Hopkins
Workof the CWA and the PWA
A big new public works agency
Set up to put people to work on projects valuable to the community

Roosevelt's aims after 1933

To give more protection to the working population
Replace the agencies ruled illegal

By the Supreme Court

Turned his attention to social reform
Provide security for those affected by the Depression

Fair Labor Standards Act

Built on the Wagner Act of 1935
It established maximum hours of work and minimum wages

It also controlled the use of child labour

Soil conservation Act

Replaced the AAA
Which had been rule ilegal by the Supreme Court

It made grants to farmers who improved and conserved the soil on their lands

Has been called the most far reaching piece of social legislation in US history
It was really severallaws inc and provided for:

A national system of insurance for the unemployed

Help for the disbiled and children in need

Pensions for the old and widows of up to $85 a month

The 2nd New Deal

Roosevelt met with a group of senators and close advisers
He presented with a huge range of laws that he wanted passed

The Farm Security Administration (FSA)

It also built camps to provide decent living conditions and work for migrant workers

It gave special loans to small farmers to help them buy their land

Replaced de RA in 1937

The Resettle Administration (RA)

Helped smallholders and tenant farmers who had not been helped

Work Progress Administration (WPA)

The government paid artists to paint pictures to be displayed in the city or town they featured

It also extended this work beyond buildings projects to create jobs for office workers and even unenployed actors, artist and photographers

Brought together all the organizations whoose aim was to create jobs

Social Security Act

If workers become unenployed, they would recive a small amount to help them out until they could find work

Provide help fot the sick and the disable

Provided State pensions for the elderly and widows

Wagner Act

It made illegal to sack workers for being in prison

Let them negotiate pay and conditions

Forced employers to allow trade unions in their companies

They persuated him to

Make the USA a fairer place for all Americans

Take radical steps to achive his vision

Trade unions and industrial unrest

In 1937
Sit-down strikes in the car and steel industries

Followed by all-out strikes

Involving violent clashes between strikers and police

In 1936 John Lewis
brought together many separate unions into one big organisation

Called the Congress of Industrial Organisation (CIO)

Some big companies

refused to let their workers join a union

National Labor Relation Act 1935

The National Labor Relations Act
replaced Nira

It was a charter for the workers

This act gave workers the right to form and join trade unions

Employers could not penalise those workers who did so

The National Labor Relations Board was set up to protect the rights of workers