realizată de Tyler Knudson 10 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
Plug in those Eigenvalues
Obatin Eigenvectors
Form the General Solution
Using the C.E's, Find its roots
Complex Imaginary Roots
Solution: y(t)=e^(At)(c1cosBt+c2sinBt)
Repeated Roots
Solution: y(t)=c1e^(r1t)+c2te^(r1t)
Real Roots
Solution: y(t)=c1e^(r1t)+c2e^(r2t)
Then Find the Particular Solution
Variation of Parameters Method
Undetermined Coefficeint Method
Take the Inverse of the Laplace
No: Can you use the Integrating Factor Method?
Integrating Factor Method
What is the Integrating Factor?
Multiply by the Integrating Factor
Finally, Solve for Y
Yes: Integrate and solve for Y