Categorii: Tot - battle - rebellion - constitution - government

realizată de zierra allen 6 ani în urmă


inside us history

The formation and evolution of the United States government are shaped by several critical documents and historical events. The Constitution serves as the foundation, ensuring the fundamental rights of American citizens and requiring ratification from nine out of thirteen states before becoming effective.

inside us history

inside us history

Oppression of Blacks

Whites did not want black to vote at all so they made a poll tax and a literacy test, they put the poll tax high cause they knew blacks could not pay nut if they did they had to past the literacy test which was hard since most freed slaves didn't know hot to learn or wright
Black codes were in place for cheap labor. These made it possible for the whites to use the blacks, they had to sign yearly labor contracts some years later jim crow laws take their place
Jim crow laws were laws that segregated whites and blacks. This was segregation in public facilities, it fell under “ separate but equal “. this law came about in the 1900’s it was in place until 1965. Some examples are segregation in schools, bathrooms, and public transportation.

Important Acts

The quartering act is when the british told the colonies that they had to provide food and shelter for the british soldiers and they were not allowed to refuse. Everyone in the colonies had to do this and they all hated it. The colonies said it went against the bill of rights
The stamp act was a tax on newspapers, legal documents, papers, etc. The colonies choose to nullify this act and they would protest, not pay the taxes, and burning things. The money that was got from this was used for the american frontier to keep it protected
The intolerable acts was a law passed by the british parliament after the boston tea party happened. British thought with putting these acts into place that it would keep the colonies under control but it didn't because they joined the rebels


Hoover was the president during the great depression most people did not like him. He blamed the issues on the people. He thought that the government should have no involvement in this. He said that business should just carry on as normal and have confidence in the government so that people would be more believing
LBJ created The Great Society these were social programs to help the poor and minorities he also created the civil rights act of 1964. He was one president who wanted to make things better for the less fortunate. He also made a foreign policy which got us more involvement into the vietnam war
Lincoln made the emancipation proclamation abolishing slavery in the southern states that rebelled. Everyone thinks that he was a very good president and he was but he also made the habeas corpus to where no one could speak out against the government that violated the 1st amendment.

Court cases/trials

Marbury v Madison was a case that created judicial review so if a law is unconstitutional. courts have the power to not pass laws or government actions that are unconstitutional
Sacco v Vanzetti was a controversial trial were two immigrants were put onto trial for “murdering” a guard. The reason this trial is considered controversial is because no one believes they did it. The government needed someone to blame so they picked two immigrants who were also anarchist.
The dred scott case was when a slave named dred scott had went to a free state and then came back and supreme court said that slaves were property and they have no right to sue. Congress also had no power to ban slavery out west


Motion picture in black and white excited people a lot. They watched movies with no sound and they felt like it was the best thing ever. Everyone went to these and paid all the money to watch it. It had become the fourth largest business in the united states.
The T.V. had become a big part of the world because they could see what was happening in the world. All the wars and all the news that could keep them updated. Watching the news it made people feel more involved in the world and the government.
Music had boomed during this time. Mainly the harlem renaissance where african americans writers, artist, and performers to show their own culture. This was the time for jazz music where white and black music came and merge together to a mass culture that they played on the radio.

Important wars

The attack on pearl harbor was a surprise attack by the japanese. The japanese navy air attacked america navy on December 7, 1941. This happened in hawaii and this attack is what caused American to enter WW2
The civil war was fought between U.S. and the confederate states this was a 4 year war. During this war northern had a pretty good advantage for having a huge population, factories, railroads. The south also had the advantage of having good military leaders and fighting on home soil.
War of 1812 was between the U.S. and britain. During this war no one was prepared for it. One cause for this war was british and french during the napoleonic wars and the fact the britain was doing impressment. This war ended by the U.S. winning

Important Documents

The Articles of Confederation was a failed government for america in the 1700’s. This was the first constitution of america. This failed because they could not enforce the laws they had. They had no national bank with a weak central government. The power was in the hands of the states
The bill of rights is the first 10 amendments of american citizens rights. Guaranteed liberties and laws for due process. Also if power is not given to the federal then it is given to the states. These rights the government can i take away from you
The constitution is the basis of our government. It guaranteed the basic rights of a american citizen. There was a few states who would not sign the constitution at first but for it to be ratified and become a thing nine out of the 13 states had to sign it eventually on september 17


The nat turner rebellion was a slave revolt led by 60 slaves who killed at least 65 white people. The state had came in to stop this rebellion they killed 55 african americans even nat turner. 200 slaves had been murdered by white men because of the revolt. This revolt scared the southerns and they became very more strict about their rules.
Battle of bull run was the first major battle of the civil war. Confederate and union were both inexperienced armies. The union had the good end and thought they were going to win but the confederates turned the battle around and won with 30,000 reinforcements


Rosie the riveter was a figure for women to influence them to join the war industries. It did influence women and during this time, a lot of women joined the industries and helped make things for the men overseas and gave them something to do instead of staying home and doing nothing
The grimke sisters were very bold with the kind of family they came from. Their parents were slave owners but the sisters knew that is was very wrong for them to treat people the way they did. They were big abolitionist and fought for women’s right. They eventually both moved away from home and up to the north
Harriet Tubman was a big figure for african americans. She helped the slaves escape to the north and she did it very quietly and in a way that they would not get caught. Now there were times where she would have to threaten people to keep them quiet so they would not get caught

African Americans

Malcolm X was different in ways from MLK. he was more of a violent, get what you want no matter what kind of activist leader. A lot of people would say that he preached racism and violence. He had dropped out of school because a teacher had shot his dreams down.
Martin luther king was a preacher before he became a civil rights activist. He was nonviolent and he would lead with that. He was the youngest to win a nobel peace prize award at the age of 35. In 1963 he was arrested for leading a march in birmingham. There was a march on washington and that is when he delivered his i have a dream speech
Rosa parks was a big figure for the black community when she refused to give up her seat for a white man during the montgomery bus boycott. She was known as the “mother of modern day civil rights movement”. She got arrested and the next day was found guilty. She was the first African American Woman to be in National Statuary Hall in Washington D.C.