realizată de Alvaro Vega Camones 4 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
N = N1+ N2+ N3+ ... + Nk
MS = { a1, a2, a3,... an }
ML = { x1, x2, x3,... xN }
varianza del error, la cual debe ser pequeña (precisión)
media, la cual debe ser insesgada (exactitud)
El lote ML se divide en partes o estratos que no se solapan entre sí
How does it taste?
What is its flavor? Type in the adjectives that best describe this drink.
Examples: 'The coconut cooler is the perfect way to start a hot summer day. Sweet coconut juice, nutritious almonds and energizing lime juice.'
What does it consist of?
las extracciones de las muestras son determinadas según una regla fija
En una cinta transportadora, tomar una muestra cada 10 minutos
Tomar canaletas en una galería cada 2 metros
What cold drink will you serve?
Consiste en la selección de "n" fragmentos ó unidades del lote "ML"
todas las combinaciones de n fragmentos tienen la misma probabilidad de ser elegidos de un lote
What does it consist of?
What hot drink will you serve?
A soup can be anything from a light broth to a rich pure. Very often, the type of soup being served is determined by the following dish.
Type in the answer.
Es el conjunto completo de observaciones que deseamos estudiar.
What are its flavor?
Each dish description should sound as if you were explaining a friend the taste and flavors for which that dish is your favorite.
Type in the adjectives that best describe this course.
Example: ' The crunchy tortillas are melting in your mouth like savoury-salty biscuits. The sweet-and-sour tomato sauce is perfectly seasoned while the jalapeno pepper makes it spicy. '
What does it consist of?
Es la acción de recoger muestras representativas de la calidad ó condiciones medias de un todo
The appetizer, also called a starter, is a small portion or a bite-size delicacy which will prepare you for the remainder of the meal. Type in the answer.
Es una parte ó porción extraída de un conjunto por métodos que permiten considerarla como representativa del mismo.