realizată de Jessie Aktinson 4 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
Took it to the lost and found
The watch was giving back to the ower
I work on the other days and i can work half on Mondays and Wednesday.
I work on Tuesdays and Thursdays and work part-time on Mondays and Wednesdays.
I put my clothes in the right spots
i see that my laptop as some virus's
i reboot the laptop and get rid of the virus's with Ant -virus software.
i lefted heavy boxes because my boss told me to
i get a raise because i did a very good jon.
i worked to the best of my ability
After a few mouths of hard work i got that gaming px.
a practice eveyday
I can in 3 in my bowling league with a very high score
I told the teacher that i was being bullied
The Bully got kicked out of the school
I tell him claim to stop yelling
Co worker stops yelling at said he is sorry.
Looked up stuff about twitter on Google
Put stuff about Twitter on Goggle slides