realizată de Jonathan Martinez 4 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
Type in the name of the story or historical event you are planning to summarize.
A solution is found for the problem or challenge.
What was the solution to the problem? Type it in.
Resolution is the part of the story's plot where the main problem is resolved or worked out.
Les étudiants
Les assistants
Des étudiants en situation de handicap (AESH)
De l'éducation
De service social
Les enseignants
Les psychologues de l'éducation nationale
Gestionnaires de matériel
L'agent comptable
Personnels d'inspection
Personnels administratives
Les conseillers principaux d'éducation (CPE)
Personnels de direction
And then what happened?
What is the ending of the story or event? Type it in.
Les élèves
Enseignement précoce des langues
Activités artistiques
Activités Sportives
Les accompagnants des élèves e situation de handicap (AESH)
Personnels de santé
Les coopératives scolaires
Les agents territoriaux spécialisés d'écoles maternelles (ATSEM)
Inspecteur de l'éducation national (IEN)
This is the Wanted component in the story and it refers to what your character planned on doing in this story or event.
What are the character's plans? Type them in.
It can be a person, an animal, a monster, a figure, an item, and it is the centerpiece of the entire story.
Who is the main character in the story? Type in his/her name.
What are the traits that best describe the main character? Type them in.
Les Écoles Nationales Supérieures D'Architecture
Les Écoles Supérieures D'Art et D'Arts Appliqués
Écoles et Instituts Spécialisés
Les Grandes Écoles
Les Universités