realizată de Jorge Buendía 4 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
What is your business proposal about?
Give it a name. Type it in.
What other options could solve the problem? Add an alternative.
Related information about the options that have been identified might be needed.
Add resource(s)
Summarize your alternative points.
Add a conclusion
Disadvantages must be accurately stated from your client's point of view.
Add a disadvantage
Advantages must be accurately stated from your client's point of view.
Add an advantage
Are the disadvantages of your solution less significant than the disadvantages of the alternatives?
Regulaciones a las que se sujetaran la recuperacion conservacion, proteccion, ordenamiento y aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales renovables y el medio ambiente.
Darse su propio reglamento el cual debera ser aprobado ppor el gobierno nacional.
Recomendar las adopciones de medidas que permitan armonizar las regulaciones y desiciones ambientales
Are the advantages of your solution more significant and relevant than the advantages of the alternatives?
que conduzca al acercamiento economico, evaluacion ala calidad de vida, y al bienestar social, sin agotar la base de los recursos renovables en que se sustentan.
Do the advantages of your solution outweigh the disadvantages?
Conjunto de orientaciones,normas, actividades, recursos, programas e instituciones que permitan la puesta en marcha de los principios generales contenidos en esta ley.
Are the advantages of your solution fully relevant to the client?
Formular la politica nacional en relacion con el medio ambiente y los recursos naturales renovables.
Regular las condiciones generales para el sanamiento del medio ambiente.
Does your solution comprehensively and effectively address the requirements, issue or opportunity?
Funcion atribuida al estado al estado de regular, orientar y planificar el uso del territorio y los recursos naturales renovables.
Describe the further actions for a commercial and a non-commercial proposal.
What are the next steps?
Add details of next actions for a non-commercial proposal.
Add delivery details for a commercial proposal.
Do you need a glossary for any specific technical terms you are using?
Add a term.
Describe the current position that your client is in.
This creates some common ground, which is a good platform for discussing your solution.
Summarize your proposal at the beginning of the document. Add a sum-up.
What do you know about the client's requirements?
Is your proposal in response to an inquiry?
Has there been provided a Request for Proposal (RFP) or other resources that you can work with?
If you have relevant materials in other files, you can attach them to this topic.
This section should not be included in the proposal.
Restaurar el daño o impacto causado
Amonestacion escrita decomiso, suspension de obra, proyectos y actividad, revocatoria o caducidad de la licencia.
Tienen por objetivo prevenir o impedir la ocurrencia del hecho, se hace la amonestacion, decomisos de los productos.
Defining clear objectives is the key to building a good proposal.
What are your objectives?
This section should not be included in the proposal.
Who can check your objectives?
Identify who else can check the objectives and assumptions of this proposal. Add checker.
What assumptions have you made?
Are there things that you hope are true, but you cannot check? Add an assumption.
How much will the client know?
Add an assessment of the reader's knowledge.
What should you leave out?
What can you assume is not relevant, or not a priority? Add an exclusion.
What action(s) are you aiming for?
What do you want the client to do, as a result of this proposal?
What is the purpose of your proposal?
What will your proposal lead to?
Who is the audience for this proposal?
Who will read it and act upon it?
Include any detailed data in appendices rather than break up the flow of the proposal.
Identify the contents of an appendix for your proposal.
Add an appendix.