Categorii: Tot - exposure - health - contamination

realizată de Elizabeth Prehn 2 ani în urmă


Libby, Montana asbestos timeline

The history of asbestos contamination in Libby, Montana, is marked by a series of significant events and legal battles. Beginning in the mid-20th century, the Zonolite company started mining vermiculite, which contained dangerous asbestos fibers.

Libby, Montana asbestos timeline

References: Larson, T. C., Williamson, L., & Antao, V. C. (2020). Follow-Up of the Libby, Montana Screening Cohort: A 17-Year Mortality Study. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 62(1), e1–e6. McNew, T., Miller, M., & Black, C. (2018). EPA’s Only Public Health Emergency: Libby, Montana’s Asbestos Exposure, Screening Program, and Research. Chest, 154,789A. McNew, T., Hernandez, T., & Black, C. (2016). Asbestos Exposure and Health Screening in Libby, Montana: Past, Present, and Future. Chest, 150, 931A. Staff. (2005, February, 21). Buildup to disaster: A Libby timeline. High Country News. Whitmer, M. (2022, March 11). Libby, Montana. The Mesothelioma Center.

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Libby, Montana asbestos timeline


EPA declares Libby Superfund site a Public Health Emergency (PHE)
2021 study identifies 694 non-occupational asbestos related deaths 1979-2011
Thousands of claims filed against state agencies for failure to warn of the asbestos contamination. State agencies continue to claim no legal obligation to warn of mine dangers.


Libby asbestos victims’ medical bills estimated to total $32 million over next 5 years.
At least 1 in 10 Libby residents have asbestos related illness
W.R. Grace to pay 1/3 of anticipated costs.


W.R. Grace ordered to pay $54 million to support environmental clean up


EPA declares Libby a Superfund clean-up site


Seattle Post Intelligencer reports Libby asbestos is killing people. Creates national attention.
The EPA performs soil and air tests


W.R.Grace closes Libby vermiculite mine operations


The EPA bans most use of asbestos

Mid 1980's

Ralph Nader and local newspapers report on asbestos related worker illness and lawsuits against W.R. Grace.
The national press ignores the story.


The EPA conducts four studies in Libby, demonstrating asbestos dangers, does not publicly announce


W.R. Grace co. purchases mine, improves working conditions, but workers continue to develop asbestos related illnesses
W.R. Grace denies knowledge of occupational hazard. Later court evidence shows executive were aware and withheld this information from workers.
Vermiculite used in communal areas, exposing community to asbesto


workers handling vermiculite develop asbestos type illnesses
Many fatalities reported


State inspector finds high levels of asbestos in mine samples.
No follow-up, changes or consequences


Zonolite sells as insulation to U.S.
Zonolite company mines ore and processes vermiculite.