Categorii: Tot - design - investigation - resources - welfare

realizată de Paul Johnson 12 ani în urmă


M5 Gift Project

The discussion centered around the social welfare challenges faced by unemployed individuals in Tanzania and proposed a solution involving the support of local craftsmen. By purchasing gifts from these artisans, the project aims to provide them with a sustainable source of income, thereby improving their ability to support their families.

M5 Gift Project

M5 Gift Project


Today we discussed the Problem,

Local people in Tanzania have lno social welfare system when they do not have a job. This creates social welfare problems in preventing people supporting families and making a living.

This relates to me as i buy gifts from craftsmen to give to people and feel that this ios a respected trade to be in and should be encouraged for others to follow

This will help the individuals earn a living and improve their lives.

The Area of interaction I have chosen is Human Ingenuity because..................



Technology Project Check list

Design Folder Checklist

Investigate Identify the problem

 I have made dated journal entries in my process journal..

 I have described the problem as I understood it

 I have written an explanation on why the problem is important, relating it to my life.

 I have written an explanation on why the problem is important, relating it to society.

 I have written how and why solving this problem is relevant to the A.O.I.’s?

 I have written down and discussed appropriate questions (at least 4) that will guide my investigation (including one(s) given by my teacher).

Some of the questions that are considered are:

o What are some of the different ways I could present this product?

o What materials would be suitable for presentation? Etc

o Who will my client be?

o What does the client want? (Interview with the client is for this purpose ..)

o …………………………………………………..

o ………………………………………………

 I have included surveys, questionnaires etc that I have used in the investigation section and the survey /questionnaire responses are analysed.

Develop your Design Brief

 I have written down a design brief: Explaining what I am going to do to solve the problem (Refer to the Design Brief work sheet).

 I have done research (using my guiding questions and design brief):

 It is clear from my research notes what I have learned in my investigation.

 I have clearly organised my research in a proper format (question/answer format is advised) with the answers written in paragraph form.

 I have included references to the sources of information in the answers (footnotes) and a bibliography in proper format (MLA) is attached at the end of the investigation section.

 I have referred to at least four different types of resources in the investigation section.

 I have used supporting evidence such as quotes, photos, illustrations, and graphs and all those are and referenced (cited) appropriately.

 I have evaluated my sources of information ( I have explained why I chose them and justified their use ).

 I have formatted my bibliography using these tools ( ,

Design Specifications

 I have concluded the investigation by formulating design specifications. I have included a table of essential and desirable characteristics. I have written down design specifications which my product/solution must meet.

 I have Designed and explained test(s) which I will use in order to test my finished product against my specifications.

 I have kept notes in process journal about how well I worked, problems encountered, and use of time - to be used in the evaluation.


 I have included a variety of designs.

 I have explained all parts of my design/ solution .

 For explaining my designs, I have used many techniques like story boards, sketches, labelled diagrams with explanations etc

 I have evaluated each design critically against the design specification (questionnaire might be the easiest)

 I have justified the selection of a particular design.

 I have evaluated my performance in the design stage of the project.

 I have kept notes in process journal about how well I worked, problems encountered, and use of time - to be used in the evaluation.


 I have included a time line with Gantt chart ( Gantt chart should show planning and scheduling tasks over time )

 I have included a step by step plan ( How the project will be carried out )

 I have included evidence for my planning about material/tools and resources usage.

 I have critically evaluated my time plan. I have tried to answer the following questions

o Was the plan was detailed enough and why?

o Could it be followed by someone else and why?

o Have I used all the resources available to me?

 I have justified any modifications that seem necessary at this stage to my original design.

 I have kept notes in process journal about how well I worked, problems encountered, and use of time - to be used in the evaluation.


Make the product and show evidence of the following

 I have made dated journal entries in my process journal..

 I have explained the tools and techniques used in the process of creation.

 I have included evidence in the creation phase that I have followed my time plan.

 I have justified any changes I made to my plan during the creation phase.

 I have included screen shots and other photographic evidences of the key phases of creation.

 I have made notes regarding any changes I made eg added a step, changed the order, changed the technique, used another resource, didn't need a resource, didn't finish what was planned etc..

 I have kept notes in process journal about how well I worked, problems encountered, and use of time - to be used in the evaluation.


 I have included the feedback received from my testers /user in proper format.

 I have analysed the results of questionnaires if any used for testing my product / solution.

 I have included a detailed evaluation of my own performance at each stage of the design cycle by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each stage. I have included my observations on how each stage could have been improved.

 I have compared my predicted time plan with the actual and gave reasons for the changes

 I have included a discussion on the impact of my product on me, others and/or the environment.

 I have kept notes in process journal about how well I worked, problems encountered, and use of time - to be used in the evaluation.

Attitudes in Technology  I have displayed enthusiasm, motivation and initiative in completing this project

 I have worked well both in class and outside the class

 I have met all the deadlines

 I have kept notes in process journal about how well I worked, problems encountered, and use of time - to be used in the evaluation.


• develop a range of tests that focus on the user

• publish a website on the Internet

• report on the potential impact of marketing the product/solution

• make use of feedback from users

• detail improvements in the making of the product



• select and use equipment and/or techniques independently

• select and utilize appropriate software

• make appropriate choices of materials.

• follow detailed logical steps created by themselves or other students

• make independent changes to designs

• justify all decisions.

• work to produce a product/solution of quality appropriate to year 5

• keep a process journal with regular detailed entries, including critical evaluations of their work

• select and apply a suitable finish to the product.

Record each stage as a series of annotated photographs


• devise complex time lines,

• produce detailed flow charts

• consider appropriate materials and resources

• consider problem areas and make any necessary adjustments.


make sketches and scan onto computer

• make use of modelling techniques make 3D models and photograph and import into document

• make use of dimensioning strategies

• produce detailed working drawings

• create “how to” diagrams make how to make drawings

• investigate package design and presentation. Give information on how the gift would be displayed within a shop

Main topic


consider problems and their solutions in relation to their possible impact on life, society and the environment

• independently formulate questions when investigating a problem

• devise problems and develop design briefs

• specific research on; materials and their properties, existing designs, peoples opinions, tools and equipment,

• independently identify meaningful questions

• carry out literature and web searches, develop questionnaires and survey selected audiences information on materials, possible gift ideas, manufacturing techniques.

• select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

• identify ways of testing a solution or product on a specific audience or the intended user

• produce a listing of detailed specifications.

picture resources