realizată de SARA VALENTINA MURCIA PARRA 4 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
Type in your name
Work ethic and habits
This section will give the potential employer a glimpse into your work ethic and habits. Having another professional speak on your behalf is vital for your job search.
Type in the name of the professional who refers you.
Type in the professional's contact information. This way, if the recruiter will need to ask for further details, he/she will easily contact this person.
Your college or junior college degree is important when applying for a job. Nevertheless, additional training and other kinds of education can help. Enlist all the types of training you did.
List all your related courses, seminars, conferences and trainings.
List all your related courses, seminars, conferences and trainings.
La mayoría pueden moldearse como alambres o hilos delgados al ser estirados con esfuerzos de tracción. (pueden ser dúctiles).
La mayoría son capaces de formar láminas delgadas al estar expuestas a fuerzas de compresión. (Son maleables).
Tienen un punto de fusión elevado (Superior a los 600 C°).
A temperatura ambiente se mantienen sólidos, excepto el mercurio que es liquido a temperatura ambiente.
En el aspecto físico los metales suelen reflejar la luz, por eso se notan brillantes.
Conducen el calor y la electricidad, los conductores de electricidad más importantes son el oro, el cobre y el aluminio.
Los más conductores importantes son:
El cobre, el Aluminio y el oro.
Educational background
Present your educational background in order to highlight your ability to learn and apply information, and achieve a variety of tasks and goals.
Specify the study period
Start with the most recent at the top.
Example: Sep 2009 - Jun 2013.
Specific courses you attended
List specific courses that you find relevant for the requirements of the position you are applying for.
What was the degree or certificate you received at graduation?
Name of the educational institution
Type in the name of the educational institution you have attended.