realizată de Michael Miller 5 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
Cercone, K. (2008). Characteristics of adult learners with implications for online learning design. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Journal, 16(2), 137-159.
Picciano, A.G. (2017). Theories and frameworks for online education: Seeking an integrated model. Online Learning, 21(3), 166-190.
Gisburg, L. (n.d.) Integrating technology into adult learning. California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project.
George Lucas Educational Foundation. (2007, November 5). Why do we need technology integration? The myriad benefits of integrating technology into the classroom. Edutopia.
Gibson, I.W. (2001). At the intersection of technology and pedagogy: Considering styles of learning and teaching. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 10(1), 37-61.
Doak, S. (n.d.) Emerging theories of learning and the role of technology. ED Tech.