realizată de Nohelia Milagros Pastor de la Cruz 4 ani în urmă
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This ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa is one of the most spectacular of the ancient world. Find out more about the people of Ancient Egypt, their gods and goddesses, magical land and daily life.
Egyptian Art has a major role in conveying the essential traits of this great civilization.
The Egyptian art portrays best what this civilization valued the most, what people looked like, how they dressed, the jobs they had, etc.
Works of art in Ancient Egypt
Egyptian art includes paintings, sculptures, hieroglyphics, papyrus sheets, pottery objects. Give a few examples.
Colors in Ancient Egyptian art
What are the colors used most often in Egyptian paintings? Type them in.
Periods in Ancient Egyptian art
Type in the 6 periods in the Egyptian art. Example: Old Kingdom (2680 BC-2258 BC) .
Ancient Egyptian Farming
One of the reasons for which this civilization was so successful was the fact that they used farming to produce their own food and cloth. The farmers grew their crops along the bank of the River Nile.
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Egyptians wore make-up and jewelry because they believed this made them more attractive for the Gods. Also, jewelry was a sign of wealth - the more jewelry someone had, the richer he/she was.