Categorii: Tot - acceleration - motion - displacement - velocity

realizată de Jamie Kline 6 ani în urmă


Motion project

Predicting the movement of an object in one dimension can be achieved by understanding the object's starting point and the changing background, similar to the perception of motion when a nearby car moves while you are stationary.

Motion project

Big Q:How can we predict the movement of an object in one dimension? Initial answer:If we know the starting point and where it is on the paper/computer Final answer:We can predict movement of an object in one dimension if the background is changing, its like when you're in a car and the car next to you is moving but you're not and you feel like you are moving.

Why do two objects released at the same time and height hit the ground at the same time?

Sources:Q3 notes
Personal experience:Hitting balloons in the air trying to keep them up as long as possible and you have two balloons one is blown up a little bit more than the other you notice the one with more air is easier to keep up because it’s bigger and has more air resistance and it have more air on the inside which makes it weigh nearly the as the air outside of it if the rubber wasn’t there
Evidence:Dropping a baseball and a basketball they will land very close to the exact same time as each other so small that we couldn’t tell without a camera. They land like this because they have roughly the same shape so that means their air resistance is pretty much the same. Gravity has a constant acceleration and that acceleration is 9.8m/s2 This means that every second an object is falling the speed of that object goes up by 9.8m/s An object’s weight has nothing to do with the rate it falls and neither does density. Even if you throw a ball perfectly level with the ground and drop a ball at the same time as you through the other one both of the balls would hit the ground at nearly the exact same time.
Claim:Objects falling from the same height will land on the ground at the same time because gravity doesn’t change its acceleration depending on the object it’s always going to have the same “force” on each object. The only way the objects won’t hit the ground at the same time is if the air resistance differs

What is the relationship between velocity and acceleration?

Sources: 12 and motion slide
Personal experience:Pulling out of the school parking lot my velocity would be changing almost every second because of the stop sign everyone stopping and going and I have to turn so that changes my velocity therefore changing my acceleration
Evidence:If I am running in a marathon going completely straight the whole way my velocity won’t be changing that much, but if i was doing a triathlon going down a mountain my velocity would be changing constantly because id either be slowing down speeding up or turning to not run of the side of the cliff but when I do any of these three my acceleration changes. Velocity-Speed in a given direction Acceleration-Change in Velocity (Change in speed or direction) You can make a graph including velocity and the time you were at this velocity. Velocity on the y and time on the x, you can find the slope from point to point and then dividing you will get your acceleration
Claim:The are related because you can’t have a change in one if you don’t have a change in the other. If you speed up in a car you can call that increasing your velocity or be accelerating the car

What is the relationship between displacement and motion?

Sources:10 and motion slideshow
Personal experience:From when I woke up to got to ast in school my displacement was a straight line from my bed to the seat that I was sitting in, even though I walked all around the school none of that matters when we are talking about displacement
Evidence:If a car drives from a stop sign to another stop sign its displacement is the distance between the two signs. But if the car goes around the whole block and ends up back at the first stop sign the displacement is zero because it ended at the start of the drive. Displacement-length of shortest straight line from starting point to ending point Motion-Process of moving (changing position)
Claim:An object has to move some sort of distance to have a displacement unless your displacement is zero even though you can move but still have a displacement of zero. You can’t have a displacement of 1 without moving