Categorii: Tot - students - distribution - monitoring - reporting

realizată de Nyaz Ibrahim Mohammed 12 ani în urmă


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A program run by the United Nations World Food Organization focuses on distributing high-energy biscuits to students in elementary schools across five districts. The initiative targets grades 1 to 6, ensuring that students receive these nutritional supplements daily.

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United Nations World Food Organization - School Feeding Programme


Conduct monitoirng visits in order to get feedback from the studnets and teachers on the acceptance of the Biscuittes.


Reporting the data collected to the head for action accordingly.


Distribution reports prepared by commitee and signed by head master as confirmation of distribution.
Distribution of the Biscuites to the students on daily basis.


Tran.sportation of High Energy Biscuites to the schools


Send back acknowledge of recipt of Biscuites at store.
Arrival of shipment and prepare store at the schools.


Order for High Energy Biscuites according to number of students.


The customer are the students of grades 1 to 6 in the elementery schools in five districts.