realizată de Lidia Marlene Velarde Palomino 4 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
Type in the name or subject of your brainstorming
Grasas, aceite y mantequilla
Give participants some time to reflect on the ideas generated, before evaluating them. New ideas and insights can arise after some time away from the session.
Type them in.
Cereales y derivados azucares y dulces
Without evaluating or judging, build upon the ideas from other people, using them as triggers for different ideas.
Type in your observations.
Group similar or related ideas together. Look for emerging patterns and gaps created by patterns.
Verduras y hortalizas
Do not prioritize or evaluate ideas when gathering them. Do not suppress ideas because they are too strange or obscure.
Add notes with the rules of your brainstorming session.
Patatas Legumbres y frutos secos
Give participants some time to come up with individual ideas. These can often get lost in group discussions.
Type in their ideas.
Carnes Pescados y Huevo
Give participants some time to think about the problem. Initial reactions can often change after some incubation time.
Type in their feedback.
Leche y derivados
Brief the team on:
1. The objective for this session
2. The time constraints
3. The scenario
4. The contingency plan
5. The process that you will be following, and the rules at each stage.
Add an action to the contingency plan. Identify the results that the contingency plan will lead to.
Add a team member for this brainstorming session.
Add a line describing the scenario
Some of your participants may already understand it, and some may not. Both positions are useful.
Explain the special features of the situation that need inventive ideas. Challenge your participants.
Time allowance
How many sessions will there be and how much time do you allow per session?
State a specific objective for your session. Make sure your objective includes follow-through and actions.
Common objectives include: