realizată de isaac david sejin gomez 5 ani în urmă
Efficient sales control enables businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their performance through precise data analysis. By leveraging exact numbers, companies can pinpoint areas where their sales force can be most effective, ensuring resources are allocated optimally.
One of the main benefits of having efficient sales control is the possibility of understanding the results of a more in-depth business through exact numbers and data. With that you can identify where to consent to your sales force.
uno de los principales beneficios en tener un control de ventas eficientes es la posibilidad de enteder los resultados de un negocio mas profundizado atraves de numeros y datos exactos con eso consigues identificar donde consentrar tu fuerza de ventas
monitoreo de ventas
procter y gamble
procter and gamble purden merchants avoid these scenarios by keeping track of account orders by marking frequent visits to stores and communicating constantly with stores