realizată de Jesica Gallegos 3 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
She is younger than her brother. (Ella es más joven que su hermano)
China is bigger than Italy. (China es más grande que Italia)
If + sujeto + past simple, sujeto + would + verbo en infinitive (without to)
If I were an astronaut, I would travel to the Moon. (Si fuera astronauta, viajaría a la luna.)
Second Conditional Grammar
I didn’t lose my wallet yesterday. (No perdí mi billetera ayer)
I am going to see you tomorrow. (Yo voy a verte mañana)
They are not going to build a summer home. (Ellos no van a construir una casa de verano)
Future Going to
I will see you next week. (Te veré la semana próxima.)
She will not play the piano. (Ella no tocará el piano)
Simple Future