realizată de Leonardo Garcia Salazar 4 ani în urmă
Organigrama arbol
The evolution of management thought is categorized into several schools, each emphasizing different aspects of management practices. The Systems School, led by figures like Chester Barnart and Ludwin Von Bertalanffy, focuses on the interrelatedness of organizational components and holistic approaches to problem-solving.
Adss his own definition as what is Objectives
Management School:
"a dynamic system that seeks to integrate the needs of the company to define and achieve its profit and growth purposes with the manager's need to contribute and develop. It's a demanding and challenging management style. "
George Odiorne
proposes a model composed of
a cycle of seven stages.
Peter Ferdinand Drucker
The Father of Management
West Churchman
Managed to link philosophy
with science by focusing
your work on the systems approach.
Igor H. Ansoff
The field of study that he developed
the most was that of strategic
]management, especially in
real time, emphasizing the
recognition and management
of the environment in which
a particular organization finds itself.
Herbert Alexander Simon
Contribute significantly to
the optimization of decision-making
Total quality management
Walter Shewhart
He published his method in 1931
as Economic Control of Quality of
Manufactured Product. Joseph Juran
was one of the people trained in the
Joseph Juran
For him, the main focus in quality
management was the final quality
or finished products.
Credited for adding the huma
n dimension to quality management.
W. Edwards Deming
The father of TQM.
Promoter in Japan of quality
circles, also known as Deming circles.
Systems School
Vilfredo Pareto
His contributions include his
general equilibrium model or
the theory of utility and the optimum.
Chester Barnart
He was a notable American
economist who based much
of his studies on the organization
and system of activities
Ludwin Von Bertalanffy
The father of Systems School
In 1954 he founded the
society for general research
on systems
Contingency school,
Burns & Stalker
Investigated administrative
practices and the external
environment of the companies
Paul Hersey & Ken Blanchard
Developed the situationa
l theory focused on the
particularities of the subordinates
Fred Fledle
Developed the contingency theory
Created the LCP test
Situational control concept
Human relations school
Abraham Maslow
-Theories x and y
Douglas McGregor
Maslow pyramid "theory of human motivation
Chris Argyris
He emphasized the importance
of values in the achievement of objectives
Scientific school
Frank and Lillian Gilbert
Time-and-motion study.
Scientific selection and
training of workers
Henry L Gantt. Gantt
The psychology of the
worker and the importance
of morale in production.