realizată de Paola Peniche 3 ani în urmă
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Disorders include avoidant personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.
People with these disorders often appear to be nervous and fearful.
Disorders include antisocial personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder.
People with these disorders usually are impulsive, overly dramatic, highly emotional, and erratic.
Disorders include paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, and schizotypal personality disorder.
People with these disorders display a personality style that is odd or eccentric.
Formerly called multiple personality disorder.
People with dissociative identity disorder exhibit two or more separate personalities or identities, each well-defined and distinct from one another.
About 95% of people with DID were physically and/or sexually abused as children
Derealization: The person feels that the world surrounding them is not real.
Depersonalization: The person believes his/her movements, thoughts and feelings are not their own.
The individual is unable to recall important personal information. (They may even forget who they are and adopt another identity for a few hours or days)
It usually follows an extremely stressful or traumatic experience such as combat, natural disasters, or being the victim of violence.
Both genetic vulnerability and environmental stress are necessary for schizophrenia to develop.
Obstetric complications. (That affect brain development)
Another variable that is linked to schizophrenia is marijuana use. Longitudinal studies have suggested that marijuana use is, in fact, a risk factor for schizophrenia.
+Hallucination: a perceptual experience that occurs in the absence of external stimulation. +Delusions: beliefs that are contrary to reality and are firmly held even in the face of contradictory evidence (paranoid, grandiose or somatic). +Disorganized thinking: incoherent thought processes. +Disorganized or abnormal motor behavior: unusual behaviors and movements (very active or catatonic). +Negative symptoms: noticeable decreases and absences in certain behaviors, emotions, or drives.
Extreme sadness and hopelessness of depression to the extreme elation and irritability of mania.
Types of mood disorders:
Bipolar Disorder
The person often experiences mood states that vacillate between depression and mania.
A manic episode is characterized as a “distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and abnormally and persistently increased activity or energy lasting at least one week,” that lasts most of the time each day.
+Mood that is almost euphoric. +Excessively talkative. +Spontaneously starting conversations with strangers. +Excessively irritable. +Abruptly switching from one topic to another. +May exhibit grandiosity. +Engage in recklessly pleasure activities that could have harmful consequences. (Gambling, reckless driving, etc.)
Subtypes of depression
Persistent depressive disorder
Depressed moods most of the day nearly every day for at least two years, as well as at least two of the other symptoms.
Postpartum depression
Is a complex mix of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes that happen in some women after giving birth.
+Trouble sleeping +Appetite changes +Severe fatigue +Lower libido +Frequent mood changes
Seasonal pattern
Exists when a series is influenced by seasonal factors (e.g., the quarter of the year, the month, or day of the week). Seasonality is always of a fixed and known period. Hence, seasonal time series are sometimes called periodic time series.
Major Depressive Disorder
Most people recover from Major Depression within a year but their chances to get another episode increase each time they have one.
It is more common among women than among men, affecting approximately 20% of women and 13% of men at some point in their life.
To receive a diagnosis of major depressive disorder, one must experience at least five symptoms for at least a two-week period.
+Significant weight loss (when not dieting) or weight gain and/or significant decrease or increase in appetite; +Difficulty falling asleep or sleeping too much; +Psychomotor agitation or psychomotor retardation; +Fatigue or loss of energy; +Feelings of worthlessness or guilt; +Difficulty concentrating and indecisiveness; and +Suicidal ideation or attempt.
+Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day (feeling sad, empty, hopeless, or appearing tearful to others) +Loss of interest and pleasure in usual activities. +Feeling overwhelmingly sad most of each day. +No interest or enjoyment in activities that previously were gratifying, such as hobbies, sports, sex, social events, time spent with family, and so on.
The concordance rate of OCD among identical twins is around 57%.
The person engages in repetitive and ritualistic behavioral and mental acts, such as constantly looking in the mirror, trying to hide the offending body part, comparisons with others, and, in some extreme cases, cosmetic surgery.
repetitive behaviors
unpleasant thoughts
Involve intrusive
Is a relatively continuous state of excessive, uncontrollable, and pointless worry and apprehension.
Worry about routine, everyday things, even though their concerns are unjustified.
Imagine that you are at the mall one day with your friends and—suddenly and inexplicably—you begin sweating and trembling, your heart starts pounding, you have trouble breathing, and you start to feel dizzy and nauseous. This episode lasts for 10 minutes and is terrifying because you start to think that you are going to die.
Abdominal Distress
Chest pain
Accelerated heart race
Feeling dizzy
Formerly called social phobias
Is characterized by extreme and persistent fear or anxiety and avoidance of social situations in which the person could potentially be evaluated negatively by others
In México the 5 most common phobias are:
Fobia social
Persistent fear caused by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation.