Categorii: Tot - partners - exports - financing - organizations

realizată de Jeremy Garner 6 ani în urmă


Organisms to support export

Companies aiming to enter foreign markets often encounter significant barriers, such as identifying potential partners and having personnel trained for international operations. Public administrations, typically through embassies, provide support by offering services that range from sending lists of importers to more comprehensive activities like contacting and presenting to potential partners.

Organisms to support export

Organisms to support exports

Key organizations in Spain

In this section we will explain, as we have indicated, which are the organisms key public authorities in the Spanish central administration in terms of support for internationalization of the company We have identified seven key agencies
ICEX The ICEX develops a wide range of activities aimed at supporting companies The ICEX as such doesnt' have offices abroad. This "offices" are the Commercial Offices The ICEX website collects all the information produced by the Commercial Offices: Studies, notes, directories, etc. The ICEX is the one that arranges in Spain with a company conducting a study to identify potential partners in a market determined. But the one who performs the study is the Commercial Office. The ICEX organizes information dissemination activities in Spain: seminars on foreign markets, foreign trade techniques, business opportunities that are derive from the activity of multilateral organizations, in short, over all types of issues that are relevant to the international activity of companies The ICEX is the main organization that develops promotional activities commercial, which can be very varied: trade missions, fairs, seminars, business meetings, investment forums ... It also has a business school, ICEX-CECO, in which masters and long courses are taught duration, usually on issues related to the internationalization of the economy Finally, one of the star programs of ICEX, and that enjoys greater recognition, is the scholarship program, through which young people are trained graduates, in a long process of formation that includes studies in the school of business of ICEX-CECO in Madrid, an internship in an Office Commercial, and a period of internship in a company. Thanks to the program ICEX trainees have trained many hundreds of professin¡onals traders
The Territorial Network of Commerce Together with the so-called Foreign Network, the one formed by the Commercial Offices in the abroad, the Secretary of State for Commerce has what is called the Network Territorial: a network of representations in provinces and autonomous communities by all of Spain These territorial delegations are offices of the Secretary of State for Trade and of ICEX throughout the national geography The Commerce delegation is a point of contact for proximity, where companies can find guidance and a way to get in touch with the central agencies located in Madrid or with the Commercial Offices in the Foreign.
Official Credit Institute (ICO) The Official Credit Institute (better known by its acronym ICO) is a public bank attached to the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness The ICO provides funds to banks, ensures the interest of export credits that these grant, acts as financial agent of the Spanish government, etc., but the normal thing is that a company has no direct relationship with the institution The ICO manages, for example, on behalf of the State, the so-called Reciprocal Interest Adjustment (CARI). It is a kind of "insurance type of interest, whose objective is to favor Spanish exports by encouraging granting of credits (with a repayment term of more than two years) at the fixed interest by financial entities ". The ICO also offers financial support lines for Spanish companies that they invest abroad. A third important activity of the ICO is that it acts as the financial agent of the Spanish government for FIEM credits
COFIDES The function of COFIDES it is very clear: to support with investment the investment abroad of the companies COFIDES is also a company that combines public shareholders and private It may be convenient for many reasons (being close to consumers, avoiding tariff or other barriers that limit exports, ensure the supply of inputs, manufacture with more competitive costs). All these elements favor the competitiveness of the Spanish company, its long-term growth, its profitability, the creation of additional jobs in Spain. COFIDES offers in this sense a fundamentally financial support. On the one hand, can take shares in the capital of the company that a Spanish company established abroad. In these cases, the vocation of COFIDES is to have minority shareholdings Its fundamental objective is to support the internationalization of Spanish companies. On the other hand, it can offer loans, both to the Spanish company in Spain and to the company that it has established abroad, depending on what it is that estimate more appropriate
CESCE CESCE is a public-private company, that is, whose capital shares the State with private companies, mainly banks Its function is in principle very simple: to ensure the collection of operations with the exterior. In certain operations, CESCE acts on behalf of the State: it is normally of operations of a certain size, in countries that may present risks especially high political type CESCE can offer other complementary services useful for companies. One of them is information about foreign companies. CESCE also offers a insurance for investments abroad, covering various risks (expropriations, wars, problems for the repatriation of benefits, etc.
The network of Commercial Offices abroad The Commercial Offices have specialized personnel in foreign trade issues For the company it can be a source of help for key aspects of its activity. For example, as a source of information: about the product market of the company, the regulations and technical requirements that this may have, companies, competitors from other countries, tariffs, etc. The Commercial Offices can also serve to identify potential importers or partners. Commercial Offices can provide logistic support to the company, helping you in matters that for a Spanish company can be very complicated from Spain, how to get an interpreter, know which is the most recommended, or organize meeting agendas for the Spanish company
Secretary of State for Commerce The most central agency is undoubtedly the Secretary of State for Trade, integrated in the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness The Secretary of State for Trade does have a direct relationship with companies regarding the management of the FIEM (Fund for the Internationalization of the Company) The FIEM is the heir of the former Development Aid Fund. The FIEM grants financial support in the form of credits This, in order to expedite the processing of operations, in 2017 it was approved a line for small and medium projects (up to three million dollars)

Main types of support

Vocational training
The lack of personnel prepared for international work is the main barriers that companies face. The realization of training activities is a key activity in supporting companies: through courses (face-to-face and online), seminars, workshops, etc.
Identification of potencial partners
This is another of the key barriers to that companies face when they approach a foreign market. The Public administrations of many countries, usually through their embassies, offer services to identify partners. These services can be of different scope (from the mere sending of a list of importers or agents, until more thorough prospecting, contacting these importers and agents directly to present to the company, explore their interest in the products of this, etc.).
Practically all the entities that provide support usually offer information: information about the economy and the conditions for the countries' businesses; studies of market on sectors; information on foreign trade techniques, means of payment, transportation, etc.
This is one of the aspects in which public support is more outstanding. In the case of Spain, a wide range of instruments is offered of financial support, from credits with government funds (such as the Fund for the Internationalization of the Company-FIEM), credits and capital for investments abroad (through the semi-public company Cofides or the Official Credit Institute), export credit insurance (through the semi-public company CESCE), etc


The support policies can be very relevant in other aspects of the international activity of companies , such as financing (both exports and investments), or the assurance of operations against various risks (payment, politicians, etc.) On the other hand, it is also common that at the level of regional and local governments there are international promotion agencies It should also mention the role of business organizations, such as Chamber of Commerce, business associations, etc
There are also private entities that can provide free support or in economic conditions favorable to companies in their international activity For example, banks are usually very active in this regard. The reason for the development of these activities is clear. The bank seeks the promotion of banking services offered to companies Other companies that offer services that companies use in their activity International also offer, often free of charge, support services, as a way to position yourself for the subsequent sale of your services (to name a example, DHL, the courier company, has a website with information of interest about foreign trade
Many of the countries often have, at the central government level, promotion agencies in the internacional economical markets:
Prochile (Chile)
ICE (Italy)
ICEX (Spain)
One issue that companies often have insufficient information about is the support they can count on for their internationalization activities
The objective off this article is to explain

We are going to focus on the agencies of the Central Administration We are not going to deal therefore with the organisms at the autonomic or municipal. Nor we are going to deal with private entities or semi-public entities such as the Chambers of Comerce

Make a presentation of the key public bodies that exist in Spain

What are the main types of support that companies can find for their international activity