Categorii: Tot - harmony - teamwork - responsibility - analysis

realizată de Perscilla Flores 8 ani în urmă


Perscilla Flores Strengths

Perscilla Flores excels in environments that promote harmony, where individuals listen and seek to understand each other rather than imposing their ideas. She thrives in roles where she can act as a stabilizing force, facilitating teamwork and emotional stability within groups.

Perscilla Flores Strengths

Perscilla Flores Strengths


You are most comfortable in classes where you are well aware of expectations, where the discussions are serious, and where the time is used well. Before you enroll in a class, get the opinions of peers who have already taken the class.
If you work best alone, study on your own before engaging in group discussions. This will allow you to reinforce what you have learned with the group, without needing to rely on the group.
Before visiting a professor during office hours, prepare thoroughly by making a list of items and questions you wish to discuss.
You will be a good questioner of actions, helping others to think through their decisions before moving ahead too quickly.
You may want to work in roles that require research and analysis of information to plan wise actions or gain new understandings.


Make a list of ways in which you can apply your most powerful talents to improve in each class.
Do not let an unexpectedly low grade defeat your spirits. Learn how to more effectively apply your greatest talents.
Think about school as a way to improve yourself. You will increase your motivation, particularly if you reflect on your progress.
Think about owning or managing a company that restores and recycles products.
Consider a service position where you can help others solve their problems.


You will achieve, learn a lot, and enjoy classes in which you learn practical skills and obtain practical knowledge.Subtopic
You perform best in an environment where people listen to one another and seek to understand each other, rather than force their ideas on one another.
Seek opinions and ideas from experts. Their insights will help you formulate your own beliefs and philosophy.
You work well and are helpful in team project environments. You help others work together even more productively. You help promote emotional stability and calmness in the group.
Look for a career where you will have opportunities to be a stabilizing factor in a group, team, or organization.


Get to know professors who take an interest in you. Their involvement in your college experience will create a sense of belonging and stimulate your intellectual development as well as your academic achievement.
Seek out fellow students with whom you can play a mutual tutoring, learning assistance, and support role.
Develop a college lifestyle through which you share your academic progress and performance with people who care about you, both inside and outside the college environment.
You will enjoy a job in which you serve a stable group of customers who come back often.
Find a workplace in which friendships are encouraged, and you can continuously learn about your clients and associates.


Choose core classes or those required by your major first.
Ask professors and successful students to show you what an “A” paper and an “A” essay look like.
Think about what it would mean to be a truly responsible student. Work toward that standard in a progressive manner, taking one step at a time.
Find a manager and coworkers who will trust you to follow through.
Select work where you can be given more and more responsibility as you progressively achieve.