Categorii: Tot - address - nationality - phone - hobbies

realizată de SARAH VALENTINA VARON RODRIGUEZ 3 ani în urmă


Personal information

The text provides personal details about three individuals, including their ages, contact information, nationalities, names, hobbies, and home addresses. Sarah Valentina, who is eighteen years old and from Colombia, enjoys singing and resides at Hacienda Piedra Pintada.

Personal information

Personal information

home location

his address is casa j house 27 ciudadela
her address is manzana c casa 5 villa julieta
my address is manzana u casa 2 hacienda piedra pintada


He likes to watch movies
she likes to read
I like singing

cell phone number

his cell phone number is 3227901639
her cell phone number is 3142421815
my phone number is 3182435450


he is from Mexico
she is from Honduras
I am from colombia


He has nine years
she is twenty years old
i am eighteen


he is juan daniel
her is karen xiomara
i am sarah valentina
my name is sarah valentina