Categorii: Tot - correos - archivos - aplicaciones - videos

realizată de Alexander fierro 4 ani în urmă



Google ofrece una variedad de plataformas y aplicaciones que cubren diferentes necesidades digitales. Duo es una aplicación de chat de video disponible para múltiples sistemas operativos.



'Six Thinking Hats' can help you to look at problems from different perspectives, but one at a time, to avoid confusion from too many angles crowding your thinking.

Google Play

The Yellow Hat will help you to think positively. While you are 'wearing' this hat be optimistic, notice the benefits and the value in them.

Es una plataforma de distribucion digital de aplicaciones moviles para los dispositivos con sistema operativo Android


The Green Hat represents creativity. Develop creative solutions to any problem with this hat. This unconstrained mindset allows you to freely test out a variety of useful creativity tools, due to its low level of criticism.

Es un servicio de video telefonia desarrollado por Google. Es una de las dos aplicaciones que constituyen la nueva version de Google Hangouts, siendo la otra Google Chat


The Blue Hat thinking represents process control. When having trouble because ideas are needed, the Green Hat may come in handy since it is the one used for creativity. In case of emergencies and dealing with them, the Black Hat is required.

Es una aplicacion movil de chat de video desarrollada por Google, disponible tanto para Android como para ios y Kaios

Google Drive

Using the Black Hat you consider the negative outcomes. Find what would not work and why. This way you highlight the weak points in a plan. Black Hat will help you to identify the flaws and risks before you embark on a course of action.

Es un servicio de alojamiento de archivos que fue introducida por la empresa Estadounidense Google


Using the Red Hat, you will use your intuition and emotions. Also, you will consider how others might look at the problem emotionally. Try to understand the responses of people who do not fully know your reasoning.

Es un sitio web de origen Estadounidense dedicado a compartir videos


Using the white thinking hat, you center your attention around the available data. Take the information that you have, analyze it, and see what you can learn from it. Become aware of your weak points and start working on improving your knowledge.

Es un servicio de correo electronico gratuito proporcionado por la empresa Estadounidense Google