realizată de Sierra B Harchut 5 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
Deals with length and structure.
Nearly impossible for humans to evaluate
Deal with meaning, language, knowledge, clarity and purpose.
Relates to the part of a text that can only be measured by a human that is reading it.
Must be able to read and accurately comprehend complex literacy.
Must be able to analyze several text and be able to compare them to each other.
Evaluate arguments within a text and be sure to understand the validity and reliability.
Incorporate content that can be provided in different ways
Must understand the structure of the text.
Must understand the use of language, tone and their meaning to the story.
Must be able to analyze the theme, individuals and events
Must be able to make logical inferences and support these inferences with the correct evidence.
Everyone must be treated the same.
Make sure higher level students do not disempower lower level students.
The classroom must be student centered in order to be a successful social justice classroom
If you do not have a diverse classroom, it is still important to treat it as such.
Understand that your classroom will always have different dynamics, ideas and identities.
You get the chance to realize that maybe you are part of the social problems happening.
Encourage students to self reflect.
Assignments on self reflection can help students realize the importance behind it.
Self reflection helps keep an open mind and gives you the chance to realize what else there is to consider.
It is important to personally reflect on yourself so you do not get off track.
Teachers must expose their students to history so they will want to go in and change all the bad that has happened.
As educators, it is important to make students realize their rights and make it known that they can make a difference in society.
While teaching about oppression it is important that teachers also support social action, otherwise it will never be done.
It is up to educators to lead students in the right direction and tech them how to truly critically analyze information in order for students to apply their knowledge properly.
All information provided to the classroom must be up for debate and conversation, there should be no my way or now way.
Knowing the information does not mean students are understanding what is being presented to them, as a result they will not be motivated to take any sort of action.
Knowing information does not equal to wisdom
Macro to Micro
Understanding macro and micro situations will help create a socially just classroom.
"Think globally, act locally"
Classroom content does not have to be limited to only the classroom, it is encouraged that students take this content with them in the real world.
It is important for students to read information that may connect to their personal lives.
Historical Contextualization
Must understand that history may have a bias and critical view.
Have an understanding of historical texts
Understanding of forces that are political, social and economic.
Factual Information
Must be openminded with different ideas and information that is different from the norm.