Topic flotante
La salud pública contribuye a prevenir las enfermedades
La salud pública ayuda a prolongar la vida.
La prevención reduce el factor de riesgo.
Who should take part in the project review?
- Customer representatives
- User representatives
- Project managers
- Team members
- Quality Assurance staff
Add a participant.
Acciones para que la gente viva sin enfermedades
Vacunarse contra las enfermedades infecciosas.
detecciones oportunas de enfermedades transmisibles y no transmisibles.
control prenatal
planificación familiar
Add an aspect or area of the project which is included in this review.
Salud publica y epidemiología
Type in the name of the project that is under review, and press Enter.
Evolución histórica de la salud pública
La salud pública en México se introdujo en forma paulatina, a
través de pequeñas acciones.
Review the analysis of performance, what went well and what could have gone better and summarise the changes that you will make as a result of this review.
Think about changes to:
- Project planning, resourcing, and management
- Risk assessment and control
- Information available to team members
- Requirements management
- Technical processes
- Change control
- Testing
Vacuna contra la rabia
Vacuna contra la viruela
El Hospital General abrió sus puertas
When will the implementation of the change be followed up?
Add a follow-up date or meeting.
Se funda el Instituto Médico Nacional.
When will the change be implemented?
Add a target date for completion.
Se crea el Consejo Superior
de Salubridad.
Who will implement the change?
Identify the person(s) responsible for implementing this change.
Salud Pública es el arte y
la ciencia de prevenir la enfermedad y la incapacidad, prolongar la vida y promover la
salud física y mental mediante esfuerzos organizados de la comunidad.
Todo esto a través de instituciones de carácter público
La salud pública promueve la salud física y mental.
Tiene el compromiso de promover la sanidad física y mental en
las comunidades.
La interdisciplinariedad de la salud pública tiene relación con diversas disciplinas.
La salud pública es indudablemente interdisciplinaria, encaminada a favorecer la salud de la población.
Add an area that performed well, that the team was proud of and that you would like to repeat on future projects.
Economía de la salud
La epidemiología es una disciplina útil para estudiar las enfermedades en las poblaciones
Add an area that could have gone better, and which could be improved in future projects.
Nos permiten recopilar, procesar, analizar e interpretar información para la
Were there any predictors?
- Were there any warning signs that the project would not go well?
- Were there any early signs of trouble which were missed?
- Were there any early signs of trouble, but no action was taken?
- Were there any early signs of trouble, but the wrong action was taken?
- Were there no warning signs?
- Was the project identified as a potential risk in the project? If not, could it have been?
Su estudio y conocimiento puede para tomar
medidas y programas de prevención control de las patologías.
Add some notes about what went wrong with the project. Was it:
- Late?
- Over budget?
- Not doing the right thing?
- Unreliable or faulty?
- The source of more problems later?
Topic principal
La epidemiología es una herramienta que nos permite mejorar la salud de
las poblaciones, por medio del estudio e investigación de las enfermedades.
El objeto de estudio de la epidemiología es la descripción de la distribución y
frecuencia de las enfermedades y eventos de salud.
Identifica la causa de una enfermedad y los factores de riesgo.
El cómo se trasmite la enfermedad de una persona a otra.
Describe la frecuencia y distribución de las enfermedades
La epidemiología está estrechamente ligada a la Salud pública, porque se centra en
acciones colectivas para mejorar la salud de la población.
Add some information about the quality performance of your project.
- Did you have a quality plan for your project?
- Did you use formalized processes or methods during the project?
- Did you verify designs against requirements?
- Did you validate deliverables against designs and requirements?
- What proportion of defects could have been foreseen and designed out earlier?
- What was the overall impact of rework or redesign on the project?
- Did rework or redesign cause delays in planned schedules?
- How satisfied was the customer with the outcome of the project?