Categorii: Tot - analytical - data - control - competition

realizată de Santos Baltazar Roman 6 ani în urmă


Santos Baltazar Roman Strengths

Santos Baltazar Roman is well-suited for roles that align with his strengths, emphasizing his drive to excel beyond mere requirements. He thrives in environments where he can manage his workflow and productivity independently, leveraging his understanding of his own peak alertness times for optimal performance.

Santos Baltazar Roman Strengths

Santos Baltazar Roman Strengths


Ask friends for honest feedback about your weaknesses.
Research every missed test question to determine your gaps in knowledge, and fill those gaps.
Think about school as a way to improve yourself. You will increase your motivation, particularly if you reflect on your progress.
Consider a service position where you can help others solve their problems.
Choose a profession where deficits are remedied.


As you read a novel, take notes about how the author vividly sets up the uniqueness of each character.
Study various cultures. Their uniqueness will intrigue you.
Build on your curiosity about people by observing the different ways in which people learn and process information.
As a supervisor or manager, you would help individuals determine what they could do what they do best on a regular basis. Your evaluations would be based on who the person is and on what he or she had accomplished.
A career in education would directly use your talents because you would value and treat each student as an individual.


Decide whether you prefer to compete as an individual or as a team member. Select employment that matches your preference either for total or shared control over final results.
Choose work environments that challenge you and in which your success can be quantified with scores, ratings, and rankings. Avoid situations lacking meaningful, objective measurement criteria.
Pit yourself against a fellow student to increase your chances of being the first person to finish the paper, test, or project.
Clarify how professors weight class participation, final exams, presentations, laboratory experiments, and research projects. Continuously monitor your grades and class standing.
Regard grades as your scorecard. Invest more effort in classes where the results of tests, papers, and projects are posted for all to see.


Record questions as you read. Ask: “What is missing here?” “What questions should the author have answered?” “What biases are evident and not so evident?”
Deduce the consequences of someone’s decisions, inaction, and pronouncements. Use logic to trace the effects of scientific breakthroughs, ethical lapses, and legal judgments.
Examine data, collect facts, and read material for discussions. Anticipate problems. Ask questions to discover others’ perspectives on issues. Clarify your own position.
Select careers that permit you to sharpen your ability to determine the existence of cause-and-effect relationships on a daily basis.
Opt for jobs that allow you to make decisions based on your evaluation of facts, data, tangible evidence, circumstantial evidence, and research findings.


Pay close attention to your body clock. Decide when your mind is most alert. Use this insight to your advantage when scheduling time to study.
Seek opportunities to apply several of the ideas and concepts you have learned. Address groups and conduct demonstrations so others can benefit from what you know.
Identify the most important fact, philosophy, concept, or law you learn in each class each week. Notice recurring patterns. Pinpoint discoveries.
Seek a position that lets you do what you do best every day. Inform people that you have a need to exceed, not just meet, minimum requirements.
Select a career that provides you with numerous opportunities to excel as an individual. Control your workflow, schedule, productivity, quality level, and action plan.