Categorii: Tot - society - freedom - propaganda - control

realizată de Matthew Helton 12 ani în urmă


Secret Society

During World War II, Germany under Nazi rule experienced significant economic and social changes. Economically, the country saw substantial growth and stability, with even poorer citizens being able to afford cars.

Secret Society

Secret Society


Scociety one was Germany durring WW2 when the nazis where killing the Jews

Society 1
Social pros

Here are some social Pros: "People appreciated the public works - for example new schools and hospitals were built and open to the public." This is a pro because it gave people a way to be healthy and a way to learn. Its social because in both their is a way to meet new people and do new things. Here is one more pro: "Youth groups provided activities and holidays for young people." This is a pro because it gave young children a way to make friends and celbrate when there are holidays. This also social because they are interacting with people. Thats pretty social right?

Social cons

One social con is this: " opposing the leader was censored and removed from the media. All forms of communication: newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, rallies, art, music, movies, and radio, was controlled by the leader and his supporters." This is a bad thing beause they were taking controll of their people bye not letting them have the freedom of speech we have, Or not letting them watch what ever they want . One other social con is this: "Minority members of society could not go to public schools, theaters, cinemas, or resorts, and furthermore, they were banned from living, or sometimes even walking, in certain parts of the society." This was bad because their social rights were tooken away for only one reason.. Being different. So im saying that to them it was not fair at all and that affects their social life.

Economical Pros


Germany had a very strong government and they were very weathly in a way but everyone hated the nazis from America to the French (That is everyone but the germans) It said that even the poor people were able to end up buying a car. Here is the quote "new public works and ordinary workers even had the opportunity to purchase a new car"so this show the economy was heading in the right direction.

Economical Cons

Germmany had just about no economical cons everyone had a job. Could buy things they wanted like a car and everyone was kind of happy.

Political Pros

Everybody loved hitler and hated the Jews (most people any way besides the people who helped them). Everyone who wanted a job had one so this was a a major step for hitler when he was leading agenst the Jews when it said this I highlighted and comented on this saying it sounded like a nice place to live in.To them hitler was law and what he said was law nobody could disrespect what he said.

Political Cons

The political pros about this place is the people hurting the Jews this was causeing a huge outburst from the Jews around the world and eventually lead to Hitlers suicied. This quote talks about how many "minorites" (Jews) they killed. "During this era, the leaders of this society and theircollaborators killed nearly two out of every three "minorities" as part of the "Final Solution."".

Society 2


One pro for their economicaley would be that they had a war and their ecconomics got raised: "The economy during this time thrived. From the end of a large war up until 20 years later, this society became the richest in the world." This means That they won a few wars and got a lot of money from it. They soon became one of the richest in the world! Here is one more: " Many technological advances helped the growth of the economy." What i think this means is that They created vacums Tvs computers, and so much more. Because of this they were growing even more finacionaly.

America is society two.

Here are a few ways that the politicalness in America was a pro: The first way is the type of goverment it was. Like a lot of all the other societys were like a tyranny or a olgarchey while we were a democracy in the document they said: "With families settling down and making lives for themselves, there was a population explosion. " This means that the poulation was getting a break through and the polliticions would be more famous and liked or hated. They all got more perspectives on laws and got more attention. That is why it is a pro.

In my notes>>

here are some cons: They were racist. I say this because In the document They were talking about how a farmer got killed here it is: " incident involved a sixty-three-year-old farmer and war veteran, who was shot in cold blood on the crowded courthouse lawn for urging others to vote for blacks to be treated right." This Is socialy because people caused an uprising over this. Like people would start being scared of those who were racist.

This quote say that kids where a big social force in th USA . "These children were a major social force when they were young"

In The notes>>

Here is two social pros: The first one is new technolgy they made like the car and the T.V. This is an important one because it connected the people to their society. When i say they were connected to their society i mean by The news would show whats going on like new presidents or the most tragic accidents. Here is a sentence or two from our documents explaing why their important: "With the car so popular, it became a status symbol. also Television shows about the decadecame apon them, this time was an almost magical era." What this means is that they were growing socialy because later on they said they also created the girl scouts and the little league. Another reason is


society 4

Serria leone

One con for ecconomic would be this: " economic growth rate slowed because of a decline in the mining sector and increasing corruption among government officials." This means that they were all living in poverty at the time because of the goverment. Here is one other con for ecconomic: "Society Four has nothing going for it - except diamonds. The country has relied on mining, especially diamonds, for its economic base". I do not think this is good because this is proabley why almost this whole society is in poverty. I say this because you cant just relie on one thing for your whole life. You will evuntually fall apart.


Here are some pros


One social con this society has is this: " This society is ranked as one of the most religiously tolerant nations in the world. " I think this is bad because you would think that this means their very protective of their religon. I m not saying this is a bad thing but it can be. You know if it gets in the wrong perspective it can be a terrible thing :o

Here are some social pros: " Education is legally required for all children for six years at primary level and three years in junior secondary education." This is a pro because evreyone wants the children of their country to be efficent and succed.


In the notes>

In the reading it talks about the government have a civil war over the diomonds and how to use them because the government was coruppted but this was becuase the mistreatment of the diomonds and mistreating the workers who mined the blood diomonds. But other than that the government was a well treated bunch of people. Over 70% of the people their lived in poverty. Here is a sentence or too from our document: " Growth rate slowed because of a decline in the mining sector and increasing corruption among government officials." What i think this means is that they were all living in poverty even worse because the goverment slowed down the mining.

Society 3


In our notes>>>

Here are some pros socialy for china: They said this: " a writing system developed, allowing the emerging feudal states of the era to achieve an advanced stage of civilization." What I think this means is that they created a language. I say this because I know that they didnt creat a "Language" but, they made it real but writing it down. Here is one more pro from china socialy: "This society remained largely isolated from the rest of the world's civilizations, closely restricting foreign activities." What i think this means is that they Didnt allow Their people to explore new things Culture wise. I say this because they said "foreign activitys". This is things that different countrys or cultures would do. that is what they meant.


in our notes>>

Here is one political con: "This society remained largely isolated from the rest of the world's civilizations, closely restricting foreign activities." This means that their goverment ws keeping them from different societys. This is a con because it proabley caused an uprising in their society because maybe people who lived in this society wanted to explor and see someting new but they were proabley not aloud. Here is one more political con for society 3: "In April 1989, the struggle over who should lead the society spilled into the streets of the capital" This is a con because their people went on for a little while without a leader. This is a bad thing because whoo lead them threw war and laws and big desicons for that time beeing?

In our note>>>

Here are some polotical pros for china: The first one is how much money china makes. I say this because china makes a lot of money and in the document we read it said this: "Government officials announced that this society's economy had grown successfully within a short amount of time. This society is poised to have the world's fourth-largest economy." This is a good thing because this means that some of the people in their society will actually be able to work! Another Pro would be all of the things they have created. For an example they created paper, printing, and ect. in the document they said some of the things they have created: "The most famous contributions include paper, printing, the compass and gunpowder. It is said that many other things, such as kites, toilet paper and even ice cream originated in this society." This is a pro because they helped shape up the goverment. That is important for a society.




In our notes>>

One eccnomic pro would be this: "Government officials announced that this society's economy had grown successfully within a short amount of time." This means that they where a society that Grew in a certain amount of time. What i mean is that they grew Quickley they Grew as a country and a comunity. Another economic pro is this: "This society is poised to have the world's fourth-largest economy. " This means that they are the 4th "largest" society with the ecconmey. This is good.